Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rear Window

April 26 was a VERY long day for me...

The day started out running to a marathon, breaking my kneecap, riding in an ambulance, lying around in an ER, getting my drugs from Walgreens, packing up my hotel room, and taking a 3-hour drive back to Dallas in the backseat of a friend's car.

When we arrived at Chandra's house, I "crutcheted" my way toward her couch. Once on it, and noticing a window behind me, I declared, "Well, I guess this is my very own personal 'Rear Window.'"

Everyone looked at me... no response.

Hello? Is this thing on? Hello???

It turns out, none of my friends (all in their 30s!) had ever seen the famous Alfred Hitchcock film, Rear Window.

Are you kidding me? Wait... are these the drugs kicking in? "I swear I saw a helicopter!" (that's a long story... maybe I'll tell that one day)

Rear Window is a fantastic movie - a Thriller if there ever was one. It deals with a guy who has broken his left leg (hmmm...) and is confined to his wheelchair (and apartment) with his only entertainment to look out his window at his neighbors in their apartments. It's voyeurism at it's best!

Obviously, I identify with James Stewart in this regard. When you're not moving around, and rely almost 100% on the kindness of others, you tend to get bored and find things to entertain you.

Unfortunately, I don't have a "window" from my vantage point now. And if there is a crime in this neighborhood, I doubt I'd even notice it... especially at night since I'm sleeping with ear plugs.

So because this has been on my mind, I decided to find my own "entertainment outlet." Therefore, I joined Netflix this week...

Including Rear Window, I've also watched Death at a Funeral. I'll recommend this one, too. First, if you like British comedy movies, you'll love this one. Secondly, one of my friends from high school is in it. His name is Alan Tudyk, and he plays Simon. Let's just say when Alan and I were skateboarding back then, I never saw him like he appeared in that movie. (You'll know what I mean after you see it)

So Rear Window is a great flick... but I just hope I don't end up like Jimmy Stewart did at the end of the movie when I'm finished with all of this recuperation!

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