Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Back from the Wedding...

What a weekend...!!!

While I was in Stillwater, I was asked, "So... any big trips planned this summer?" Hmm... have you looked at me???

This was my "trip" for the summer. My own personal vacation. Therefore, I was really excited to go away to this wedding!

Because I'm not comfortable driving long distances (still painful when I'm in the driver's seat for more than 30 minutes), I needed my very own personal chauffeur... AKA Chandra. We left Friday morning, and headed north to the land of the slow moving water.

Along the way, I sat in a "quiet/panic-like state" next to the world's most aggressive driver! To describe Chandra's driving as "freakishly crazy" is an understatement. I have never driven a long distance with her in the 12+ years we've known each other, so this was a whole new side of her that I witnessed from the "white-knuckled clenched" passenger seat!

Throughout the blinding speeds that approached "Warp 9" at times, I was usually able to discern the features from the driver in front of us due to our proximity to their back bumper. I think I realized that driving on the highway to Chandra was just a slower version of "NASCAR."

Chandra likes to multi-task while in the car - which allows her to drink, talk, email, text, and do her taxes - all while driving with her knees. I'm serious! Sweet Merciful Crap - I have the soiled undergarments to prove it! She still doesn't understand why that one driver flipped her off or when we almost careened with a semi! She even did the "mom move" with her arm on one occasion!

OK... so sorry Chandra... you know you're one of my best friends, but good gravy did I have to get that off my chest! Now, back to the wedding...

Laura is one of my dearest friends. We met at a church almost ten years ago, and have always held a close bond. She's been there for me through thick and thin, has one of the most amazing hearts, and is one of the few people who actually "gets" me.

I've known Britt since 1995 when we met as counselors at Pine Cove Christian Camp, and have been friends ever since. He's very rock-solid, is the same today as he was back then, and always is there for his friends.

Now while you may think that my sole purpose was to introduce these two for romance, I must say I had other intentions. Basically, I figured that they're both my friends, so I just want my friends to know each other. Makes it easier on me when everyone knows each other and gets along. God sure had other plans!

The wedding was great! It occurred on the OSU campus - including the rehearsal dinner, ceremony, and reception.

The bride is a MAJOR Oklahoma State University fan (alumnus), and the groom is about to finish up his degree from there (starting yesterday). So, there was a lot of Orange (school colors) involved throughout the event. The bride had an orange belt/sash on her dress, the bridesmaids had orange on their dresses, and the groom/best man had orange ties. Lots and lots of school spirit!

But the biggest surprise was when Pistol Pete (picture above) showed up at the reception! Laura arranged for the mascot to come in for pictures - and he even fired off his guns!

Chandra loved it - she probably took more pics with Pete than anyone else in the room! Kids were drawn to him, and the alumni in the crowd chanted the school letters.... "Oooo... Ssss... Uuuuuuuuuuu!"

So overall, I had a blast! I was so happy for the couple to get on with their lives (and stop the long-distance relationship!), to actually "travel" somewhere this summer, and to spend good times with my friends.

Albeit, a "speedy" one. :-)

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