Thursday, April 8, 2010

Staycation: Day 3

I woke up yesterday very sore... actually, extremely sore... incredibly sore... so freakin' sore that it felt like I'd been hit by a truck, and that truck backed up and went over me a few more times just for good measure!
I think what I did the first few days might be OK for someone who was used to it. But, not me. I wasn't used to the bending, lifting, and squatting.
Tuesday night's excitement? An ice pack dead-center on the knee.
So Wednesday I made the decision to scale back, take it easy, and take on a "project" that I hate: shopping.
One reason I hate shopping is the crowds. I hate shopping when a bunch of people are around, trying on clothes and hearing people "gripe" to their spouses or parents ("No Mom... I don't like that one!!!"), and especially standing in long lines... which always ends with, "You can save 15% today if you open a charge card." Gee... that's all I need... more credit cards!
So I knew I wanted to take care of this "experience" this week when everyone was at work. I also had an "ALL-S" plan: Slacks, shoes, shirts, and socks.
At Kohl's, I found two pairs of slacks, socks, and two shirts. I looked at the shoes, but wasn't impressed... plus, surprisingly, there were quite a few people in the shoe department.
I then went to DSW. While browsing, one of the workers said, "You picked the perfect time - there are hardly any shoppers in the store right now." Ding ding ding...
My mission was to find an extremely comfortable pair of shoes. Quick update: I buy one pair of dress shoes each year. Well, I didn't do this last year so the shoes I've been wearing have gone on for the past 2 years. That is a very long time for dress shoes when you wear them 4 days a week - guys, you know what I'm talking about. They lost all of their support... and they just hurt to wear!
I also decided to switch it up: I bought shoes without laces. See above. They feel fantastic - like wearing slippers! I also bought a new pair of Sketchers - casual shoes I can wear on Fridays (we get to wear jeans).
When I got out to my truck, I felt beaten down... still sore. It then hit me. I know what I need: SUSHI! So I drove out to Central Market to pick up some beer (they have a fantastic selection) and sushi. I bought enough sushi to have it for lunch AND dinner. :-)
After lunch, I laid on the couch and watched some TV. I then decided I needed to get up and do something in the yard... so I fixed up three pots, fed the birds, and then went inside when it started to rain.
I got back on the computer to work on my Family Tree. (This is probably a future blog topic, but I joined and I'm working on understanding where my family comes from)
After a few hours of that, I went back outside and trimmed up my rose "hedge" with clippers, as well as a few bushes.
So, not a lot of excitement (or heavy lifting/bending) yesterday. However, I still feel like I accomplished a lot. Today is more yard work and then Friday I'm getting help from David to move my mailbox.
Stay tuned!

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