Saturday, January 30, 2010

Would You Believe...

I've lost weight?!! Specifically, I've dropped 7 pounds in the past 3 weeks.

Want to know my secret? Pedometer!

Imagine this... you haven't changed a darn thing about your diet or exercise. You're still eating the same things... you haven't gone to the gym due to a swollen (and painful) knee.

Yet, you notice your clothes are fitting better... things don't look so "large and in charge"... and you swear you have a little more energy than before.

Well, I got up on the scale yesterday. I was shocked! Holy Smokes! I'm 7 pounds lighter than the first of the year!

Last year at this time, I was busting my hump to get in shape to run the Half Marathon in April. I was going to the gym several times a week, I was sweatin' like crazy on the treadmill, and I changed my diet quite a bit. After a month, I was down 10.

Ironic, eh?

I'm pretty sure the cause of all of this droppage is due to my new Pedometer. Knowing I'm being tracked, I actually push myself to walk a little farther. It's pretty simple... I park further out, I decide to walk across the street for lunch instead of grabbing something in the building, I choose the stairs over the elevator (one floor), etc. It's all about making "healthier choices," right?

So if you're looking for an easy weight loss, give it a try. It only cost me $30... and I blogged about it below if you want to see which pedometer I purchased.

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