I arrived at the gym feeling particularly "pumped" for an evening of working out. I can honestly say I felt much better than last night... guess all the cylinders were firing!
Yet again, my stupid blog about how the crowds had diminished was wrong. Lots and lots of people... maybe they're reading this and figured, "Hey... the machines are available! I'll start going back to the gym!"
I was fortunate to fine one open crossramp. After 1-mile and 148 calories burned, I was able to jump on the only available treadmill. And wouldn't you know it - the same one I ran on the night before! (This is me being a bit frustrated) Let me explain:
Like all gyms, mine has TVs hanging from the ceiling in front of the treadmills and they're all tuned to 3 channels. So, one is on ABC, one on ESPN, and the other is usually CNN or FOX News. Well, this particular treadmill was smack-dab in front of the ABC television. And if you're in Dallas, you know exactly what comes on at 6:30: Entertainment Tonight.
My gosh... OK, I like to watch TV, but I despise stupid crappy "entertainment" half-hour shows that are basically "The Enquirer" on steroids! And right now all these shows are focused on is that idiot freak of a woman out in California with the litter of 8 babies.
So last night that crap was airing right in front of my nose, and I did all that I could to turn away. Not focus. Avert my eyes lest they bleed from the insanity of the boob tube (literally!). It's not worse than the stink-dude (Link) who ran next to me reeking of Old Spice, but you get the picture.
And tonight? Yep... you guessed it... more of Psycho Baby Mama. But wait, it gets better. Now they're showing her enormous belly with the stretch marks a few hours before the little ochos were harvested. Sweet merciful crap! She looked like she had swallowed one of those bouncy balls with a handle that kids jump on!
I swear our lives are becoming more and more like the movie Idiocracy. If you haven't seen it... rent it. You'll know what I'm talking about...
Now where was I??? Oh yeah... I'm supposed to be exercising (or at least talking about it).
Anyhoo, I began by walking a tenth of a mile. Now that I was warmed up, I started running at a 1% incline on the treadmill beginning at a sub-12 minute pace (5.2 mph on the treadmill). I normally don't run at an incline, but figured I would continue to do "hill work" and this was fine to start out with.
Well, I don't know if it was the train wreck I was watching on TV or the music that was distracting me from my iPod, but I looked down after running a half mile and realized I was still on a 1% incline. I wasn't hurting... and I knew it was good for me to simulate running outdoors... so why not keep it up?
After a mile I was still going strong and was bound and determined to go a little bit further. By 1.5, I was doing better. My speed was now at 5.5 mph and I wasn't slowing down. Wow, this was amazing! I then hit 2 miles and thought, "Heck... I'm going for it. 3 miles running uphill the entire way!"
I was now at 5.7 mph and man oh man was I one big sweat gland! It was pouring off of me... mainly my head... So, I figured I'd continue to increase the speed! I got it up to 6.0 and with half a mile left, I increased the elevation to 1.5%.
3 miles came and I was rockin' the treadmill! Man... I feel great... my legs are a bit like jelly, but I feel great knowing I did something like that. Not sure how much I'll keep doing that in the future, but I'm glad I did that tonight! I walked another half mile, and I was done... spent... and ready to leave the building.
I had burned 550 calories on that little jaunt, and my elevation levels achieved was 145. Not sure what that 145 number actually represents... if anyone has a clue, please fill me in.
I'll close with this: If you're interested in adding some diversity to your training routine and you're a treadmill runner, try some of these tricks: Link
And if you're interested in destroying some brain cells, just keep watching ET, TMZ, and anything else that promotes the "celebrity."
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