In that first blog (Link), I described what I was about to embark upon as something I was prepared to go through... even knowing ahead of time it would be difficult.
Well, yesterday I had a difficult run. It was one of those runs where I just wanted "to get it over with." I've had very few of those this year... surpisingly, I've enjoyed running. This may be a shock to those non-runners out there, but I've actually developed a "desire" to run. Man, I must be a nut or something!
I've never been one that enjoyed running... far from it. I don't have the "runner's physique." Never have... never will. I guess I see them as "lean and wiry," and I've never been described as either.
So that's why I feel a kinship with the character Dennis up there (picture). He's going through something that he's not "built" for, let alone prepared for (which I'm trying to change).
Yesterday, at the end of my run, I felt like he looks - nothing left in the tank. My first mile was slow and heavy - I felt like I was running with bricks on my shoes. Miles two and three weren't particularly better, either. Usually I warm up and I start to fly during the mid-miles of my run. Not so much yesterday.
After 3, I slowed to a walk to take on some water and to catch my breath. Yes... that was probably the most shocking to me. I couldn't get my breathing under control after 3 miles. As a runner, and at this stage in my training, that shouldn't be a factor unless I'm doing something wrong. Apparently, I was...
So after a brief walk, I started up running again. I went back to the same speed (5.4) and decided to focus on my breathing to bring it into a rhythm. At mile 4, I felt better but I was now counting the "tenths" until it was over. As I hit the 5-mile mark, I was done. I couldn't wait to stop the running...
Today is an off-day for me... both with work and with running. However, it's really been nagging me. Do I go back to the gym and break my schedule (or readjust it)? Something I'm pondering this morning... while yesterday I had nothing left, today I feel that I've got something to prove.
Decisions decisions...
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