Maybe I was in a rush, or maybe I was just "jonesing" for a chicken sandwich, but I felt that walk of shame today.
Sometimes I get the hankerin' for a chicken sandwich. Not just any chicken sandwich... but a McDonald's Premium Chicken Club sandwich. If you're in line looking up at the Value Menu, it's the #8 combo.
Yes... with that you get the medium fries and drink. I can just hear the "tsk tsk" coming from your mouths, you judgemental primadonnas!!!
OK, maybe this guilt is a little self-deserved. You see, I work with someone that eats McDonald's everyday. I'm serious. He goes down for lunch and returns with his "sack" of food. His desk is littered with the discards of Mickey D's...
Whenever I see him, I think, "Has he even seen the movie Super Size Me? Believe me - you will walk away vowing never to increase your portions again... and craving a salad!
So after I made it back to my desk, I got after it... I tore into that sandwich and scarfed up those fries... oh the fried goodness. I figured, "I can eat the fries because I'm eating a chicken sandwich."
One of the guys I work with came over and saw the bag in my trash can - "Ah... healthy lunch today," he pointedly commented. "Uh... sure... but it was a chicken sandwich!" I pleaded. I figured I had to make sure my case was dropped, you know?
I guess this weighed heavily (like my pun???) on my mind tonight. I thought about it during the 3-mile run... I thought about it while drinking my 40-calorie banana juice smoothie... I thought about it while I ate my tilapia and veggies... "Maybe I should check this out?"
Sweet gravy! That sandwich was 630 calories and the fries were 380! Given that I burned 625 calories at they gym tonight in the hour I was there, I didn't even clear my meal!
Maybe I need to find a healthier chicken sandwich!
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