Just for reference, treadmills are typically the most popular machine in the gym. During peak times, you will see every machine taken. And in my gym, we have about 20.
Since the beginning of the year, I've been fighting the "Resolutionists!" You know, the people who declare, "Once and for all I will shed these pounds and get in shape this year!" (ahem.)
You know the type... the holidays are over, they join a gym, and vow to make major changes in their lives. (Cough!)
Then they tell their family and friends that they are going to register for a marathon (or half marathon) and lay out their plans and fitness goals to anyone (or everyone) that will listen to their exhausting ramblings as to how they have changed for the better. (I need some water!)
But I digress...
It struck me on Thursday as I glanced around the gym that "something has changed." Apparently, there were fewer gym rats than the previous week. As I thought about my time on Tuesday (4 miles), I recalled how it was actually fairly easy to obtain a treadmill.
And then it came to me... New Year's Resolutions! These people who were crowding the gym have tapered off with their attendance. I LOVE IT! So instead of battling Suzy McSpeedwalker for the treadmill, I am now "picking and choosing" the one I want. This is awesome!
Now I'm sure they'll come to their senses and come back at some point in force. Or, maybe they are just reducing their workout schedule by one or two days a week. But whatever they're doing, I'm truly enjoying their decision!
So Thursday I ran 4 miles. Today, the schedule had me down for 3 miles... which brings the total for the week at 16 miles. Not bad, eh? Each week I've gone up 10% with my training. That's a lot of miles pounded out, not to mention the calories burned.
And while everyone is easing up, do you think I should? Actually, the answer may surprise you: YES.
Would you believe I've been doing this for 6 weeks? While I'm officially completing week 5, the week before was my "get in shape to run" week. The weeks have definitely taken a toll - legs are sore, back is sore, etc.
However, this upcoming week I enter a "rest week." This means my mileage significantly drops to let my body heal up, rest up, etc. Beginning tomorrow, I run exactly what I ran today: 3 miles. So, next week at this time I should only be at 12 miles.
However, that's fine... because I know what lies ahead: 17, 18, and 20 mile weeks...
So while I'll be taking a "break," I won't be giving up. I can't... and I won't. I'll still be in the gym working on all of the machines... and enjoying the "lack of company" that it now provides!
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