I went in to see Dr. Ramsey this morning for my pre-Op work. All I can say is it was MUCH different from the previous two surgeries.
Instead of giving me a "mini-physical," they basically wanted the general information. I told them what meds I was taking, gave them all of my contact information, and received all of their instructions for pre and post surgery.
I asked a question that led into the whole "knee replacement" possibility. Dr. Ramsey said he didn't think I'd have to undergo that at this point (or in the future), but said he'd know more when he looked inside.
Background: My previous surgeon said in 10 years I'd probably be replacing the entire knee.
My surgery is around 8AM. I have to be at the "surgery center" by 7AM. Joel will be driving me. So, instead of a hospital, it's some facility located at Preston/Frankford (for those in the Dallas area that know what I'm talking about) where he does his surgeries. Interesting.
It will last about an hour or so, and then I should be home by noon.
Dr. Ramsey said the first 24 hours it will seem like no big deal. The knee will be numb. However, once I start feeling the pain, I need to hit the Vicodin immediately and take it every 4 hours.
Thursday should be an OK day but Friday should be my worst. Then, it should start to improve.
I then went and filled my prescriptions (I start taking an antibiotic tomorrow) and prepared for the upcoming pain by buying things that I never do: ice cream, cookies, etc.
5 days after surgery, I start physical therapy. I need to go through that for the next 4 weeks, 3 times a week. At least two of those weeks I won't be going into work.
9 days after surgery, I go see him for a follow-up. I'll probably get my photos, too... the interior of the knee. I'm really looking forward to that...
I can shower the next day, and I don't have to wrap it up with a trash bag. Shocking! I will take off all of the bandages and then re-apply them when I'm finished.
Absolutely NO weight on that leg for the first 5 days - meaning, I need to stay on the crutches. And, I have plenty of exercises I have to do to avoid blood clots (that's the biggest worry).
Anyhoo, that's all I know. I'm probably going to be grumpy (or grumpier than normal) towards the end of the week, but I'll do my best to write in the blog.
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