It's always the same: I'm in a deep sleep and I hear my name being called out. When I open my eyes I'm very confused - where am I and what just happened?
I wanted to just close my eyes and go back to sleep, but they won't let you - they start asking you questions, handing you stuff to eat and drink, etc.
I was also shivering... a lot. That was weird but the nurse said it was the drugs in my system causing that.
Joel then walked into the recovery room (I was in a room with a bunch of curtains where others were out of surgery) and said something like, "Well, you were in there for a while." It was 10:30. And then he said something like, "That bandage looks a lot different than what I had."
I looked down and saw my leg bandaged up and a tube coming out of it. "What the ???"
OK, so I'm very groggy but I had no idea it would look like this. I remembered him saying it would be wrapped in a bandage but I could remove it for showers. What in the world was going on?
Dr. Ramsey then appeared and explained everything. In addition to repairing the torn meniscus, removing the cyst, cutting out the scar tissue, shaving down the bone, and fixing the "problem" discussed below... he ran into something else: a permanent suture.
My previous surgeon had attached a permanent suture which attached the kneecap to the femur (I think - remember, I'm groggy). He said it was restricting the kneecap and shouldn't be in there.
I don't know if that means the previous doctor left it in there by accident or on purpose, but this may be a HUGE change in my mobility.
If you've seen me walking on stairs (especially going down), it is an extremely difficult process. When I step down, I'm always holding onto a railing because I don't feel like I have any control. While the right knee is flexible, the left knee would only go to a certain point. It was like there was a wire in there!
Well, now I know... at least I'm really really REALLY hoping that is what was causing this and that my flexibility improves. This falls right in line with my goals - walk like a normal person again!
So then he explained the tubes: It's a glorified ice pack. As you can see in the picture above, I'm attached to a machine that pumps cold water into a pack that is on my knee. Hence, why the knee looks like it's 10 sizes too big.
I have to keep this hooked up 24 hours a day while I'm stationary. If I need to get up, I have to unhook it (it's a process, believe you me) and then re-hook when I return (couch or bed).
Dr. Ramsey then said I'm not to remove the dressing - which means I'm back to trash bags for showering. I was supposed to see him next Thursday, but he wants to see me this Monday morning. I then go into physical therapy after leaving his office (that day).
My restrictions are not to bend the knee and to stay on crutches until he or my therapist releases me... and no driving. Good gravy!
After getting dressed, they wheeled me out to the front and got me into Joel's car and off we went. I was one big groggy mess - Joel was talking and I was trying to talk but was having difficulty. They had stuck a tube down my throat, so it was sore and I had a lot of drainage. Couldn't seem to clear my throat.
During the drive, Joel said "You're not going home tonight. I'll go to your house later to get your crutches." (Hair on the back of the neck perks up)
You see, I left my crutches at my house specifically because I was told I'd be going there directly after surgery. Then I reluctantly agreed the night before to stay a few hours at their house after the surgery. Now I'm being told this bit of news.
OK, I'm not trying to be stubborn, I'm just more comfortable at my house. I keep the AC very cold, I don't have bugs flying around or landing on me when I'm on the couch, and it's quiet.
We got back to their house and Joel helped me out of the car and to the couch. Immediately the IV fluids were ready to get out of the system - I went to the bathroom 3 or 4 times in the few hours I was there.
Mom arrived and I made it clear (while sitting on their couch with my shirt off sweating) that I was going home. She could see my frustration... and agreed if Carson stayed the night with me. No problem.
More to come...
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