My immediate thought was, "Oh great... more bleeding."
I had slept probably the best I have in over a week. I woke up just a few times (instead of every hour), and didn't roll out of bed until 9. I guess it's finally catching up to me.
I grabbed the walker and meandered out to the living room... and took my first pain pill of the day. After eating some breakfast, I settled into my spot - the couch.
Mom and Tanner showed up around 10:30 and she wanted to know my pain level. Well, it was pretty high still, and of course that bothered her (hypochondriac, remember?).
She wanted me to call Dr. Ramsey and move my appointment from Thursday to Wednesday. I told her let's play it by ear and see how I feel in the afternoon. She then left with Tanner and Carson for the next few hours.
Rachel showed up around 1:30 and immediately started helping out - cleaning up the house, changing the sheets, running the washer, etc. When Mom returned with Carson, she and Carson went to Target and Chili's for me.
While they were out, I decided to apply for "Short Term Disability" from my company. That was a lengthy phone call, and apparently I have a few more to make tomorrow regarding it. Awesome.
Then the Sears Repairman showed up - icemaker is on the fritz. When he was walking up, I thought, "Oh great... same guy." A few years ago he showed up to fix my freezer (different problem) and he spent more time gabbing then working.
Sure as anything... same thing today. This guy talked for 30 minutes straight... it went from "What happened to your knee" to me hearing about him riding motorcycles and his son piloting planes. (Note to Mel: His son is a Hunt pilot. Weird coincidence)
Then Rachel/Carson returned and I gave Carson a list to work through while Rachel finished up. She'll be back tomorrow and Carson will still be helping me.
Today I've been able to go through my exercises 3 times... not bad. Although the last one was a bit difficult.
My pain level is probably about a 6. Not bad. But I think overall I'm feeling better. Maybe the bleeding has stopped.
By the way, I got a little interested in what exactly is a "lateral release." The picture at the top shows that the kneecap is riding in a different position - which makes sense as I've always felt it wasn't lined up like the other one.
If you're interested in reading more, here is a link.
Still not doing much... just staying on the couch. My Mom said that Joel thinks I need to be checked into a hospital. Well, that's probably because when he saw me yesterday I wasn't looking that good... or the past few days. Mom said he was pretty shaken when he came home yesterday afternoon after seeing me.
I told her to make sure he knows I'm doing better... so let's hope things continue to go positive in that direction.
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