However, before I went to bed, I was feeling quite a bit of pain in the knee. I thought it might be the ice pack "freezing" the skin, so I turned it down... quite a bit, actually. However, that didn't seem to help.
Throughout the night I took 3 pain pills - that's about one more than I should, but it's still within the limit.
Around 5:30, I woke up and realized the A/C temperature was going to start moving up after 8 unless I made a change. That's what has been waking me up each morning - after 8 it gets a bit warmer. So, I made my way over to the thermostat and cranked it down to 73 and hit "Hold." Ahhh... sweet cold relief.
I got up around 9:30 and noticed a lot of pain: knee and head. That was unusual... time for Mr. Pill.
After being up for about an hour, I realized something wasn't right. It's like my body is "off." I thought I might have a fever, so I took it. 98.2. Ok, maybe I just need some food. When Rachel arrived, she saw I wasn't feeling well and made me a sandwich. It was good, but it didn't fix the problem.
My energy level is just WAY down. It's like I've got the flu or something. I've forced myself to go through my exercises twice today already, but those didn't boost my energy level either.
Then I thought, "Maybe it's my blood pressure." So I took that and it read 134/89. Not great, but not "off the charts," you know? I mean, if you've been following this blog you know it's been a struggle... and the numbers have been much higher. To me, that's not the problem.
So Rachel was still concerned and wanted to know what she could get me to try and help the situation. I decided that maybe a smoothie from Sonic (props to Chandra) would give me some energy. I also ate a banana.
While I was sitting up, I showed Rachel one of my stitches (top of the knee) and she said that my knee is significantly larger than the other one.
Anyway, that's about how my day has gone. I've had zero energy and I've spent the entire day lying on this couch. Mom stopped by and wanted to know how I was doing... and of course, she feels bad as any mother would.
We talked about how it's been 1 week and I'm still feeling the same/worse than I was this time last Wednesday. And then she looked at my knee and commented how large it still is. I showed her the link below to the "lateral release" information so she/Rachel could see what happened.
Tonight Rachel is staying with me. She's taking me to the Dr. tomorrow morning (8 AM). I'm hoping to find out several things:
1. Is my knee still bleeding?
2. Are the pictures ready for me to see of what is going on internally?
3. What did he actually do/see during the surgery?
Overall, my pain has been about a 6 for the past two days. I can lift the leg, which is a good sign. I'm just completely wiped out and I've had a persistent headache all day. I guess it's just not a good day... maybe tomorrow will be different.
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