Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weird Weekend...

Let's just say it's been a very strange weekend for me. I've been doing a lot of reflecting...

Yes... the year is over. Well, at least it is officially over tomorrow. The accident happened on April 26... but they ran the OKC Marathon today.

I have been thinking a lot about "life" this weekend. And, having a blog, sometimes that makes it easier to go back and look at what you were thinking... feeling... experiencing.

For example, the night before the race, I added one last blog. It's so crazy to think about... but obviously I had no idea this was going to happen! If you want to read it, here is the link: Link

But you know what? I'll bet a lot of people didn't read that one... it's because of the "shock value" of the next one.

While some people knew of the news prior to reading the blog, others had clicked on this little site just to see how I did in the race. You weren't expecting to see a picture of me in an ambulance... NEITHER WAS I!!!

By the time some of you were reading that blog, I was already setting up my surgery for the upcoming Wednesday. I was hobbling around with a dangling leg... and had absolutely no idea what was about to happen with my life.

It's really strange to think how I just wanted Chandra and my friends to drop me off at my house that Sunday and I'd "figure something out." Or how I was still thinking I'd make it into work. And drive... since it was my left leg.

Crazy thoughts...

Now... one year later... how has my life changed? Yesterday in my back yard, I decided to try jogging. I tried it several times. "Tried." I just don't know if I'll ever be able to do that. Not meaning long distance... meaning, "actually" having to run. A year ago, even lying on my back, I wouldn't have thought this would be taken away from me. "I'm young... I'll be running this time next year!" That's what I said back then...

It still hurts. A lot. But I can walk without "crutches" or a "walker" or a "cane"... so I guess that's improvement.

This morning I woke up at 6:20. I stared at the clock... and then it hit me: The race is about to start. They kickoff at 6:30 AM. Then it hit me even harder: You were lying on that street this time last year. And you had no idea what just happened...

David told me last weekend that he really thought I had been hit by a car when he saw me. I really had no idea what was going on around me... like why Chandra and Laura were so upset. I guess they knew what was going on... and what probably was awaiting me.

Anyway, here is a link to the blog titled "Un-Freaking-Believeable." I'm pretty sure most of you discovered all of this mess through that one...


NOTE: If you're looking for a refresher, you can pull up my past blogs using the "Blog Archive" on the right.

Good times...

Friday, April 23, 2010

April 23rd... 2009

I know there are two groups of people who read this blog...

There is one group that has been with me for a long time... reading my blog (at least this one) ever since I decided to run the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon.

You were a part of my initial runs... my training... my aches & pains.

Then there is another group. You showed up right after you heard the news about "the break heard round the water cooler."

After the accident, I was inundated with phone calls and emails. It was great to hear from people on one hand, but on the other it was a bit overwhelming.

So I told everyone I would try to keep everyone updated by posting on my blog. This little site quickly exploded with visits. Not sure if you've noticed, but I do have a counter on the lower right. I think it's right around 3,000 hits.

Well, one year ago it took me 4 months to get up to around 600 hits. One month after the accident, I had over 1,200!

People were very interested in the story, my recovery, and I guess... the daily adventures (using a walker, going out to the mailbox, sleeping, etc.) Hey, whatever floats your boat!

So as we're approaching the anniversary, I thought I'd reminisce a bit.

Someone asked me this week, "Do you just want to travel back in time and tell 'Regan' not to do it?" Good question... obviously, in some respects... YES!

But, I guess as I've shared, there's a reason for everything...

Anyhoo, here is one of my last blogs before the race. It's titled, "Let's Marathon!"


It's really interesting to read... especially the sentence, "Nothing is going to stop me at this point..."

Monday, April 19, 2010

One Year Ago...

At this time, I had completed an 11-mile run. I was gearing up for my Half-Marathon...

It's so odd to think that 11 months and 3 weeks ago from today, I hadn't the faintest idea that in one week my life would change dramatically.

I guess it hit me tonight. As I filled up the ziplock bag with ice and placed it on my knee, I thought, "Damn... what a year."

Many of you probably don't know this, but my life is not what it used to be. It still surprises me whenever someone asks, "So... you running yet?"

No. I'm not running "yet." I don't know if I'll ever run again. I'm just as happy to walk at this point.

The knee hurts all the time. If I'm standing and talking with you, you probably wouldn't know this but I'm actually leaning towards the non-painful side.

I don't even know how to describe the pain...

"Never ending..."

Running? That's crazy-talk. I just want to walk like a normal person. Walking... I think I look like I'm "strutting" or something. I'm not. I'm focused... I'm pushing myself... I'm willing my crappy leg just to move.

Most people don't have a clue until they see me maneuver stairs/steps. Or, if they're walking near me, they have to slow down...

Today was the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. It was tragic... unbelievable evil happened that day. The picture of the fireman holding the baby hit me especially hard today... "Why did someone knowingly do that... especially if they scouted the place and saw that there was a daycare." Just one of the thoughts in my mind...

Maybe some of you remembered... but for me, it was personal on a variety of levels. I found myself looking through the pictures of the heroes... the victims... the building... the surrounding buildings.

It hit me: You lied on that street like so many of the other victims. Not that I can share in that, but I was on that street. I was helped by my friends. The people of Oklahoma. The citizens. The servants. The heroes.

It was hard today... a wellspring of emotions hit me because I wanted to run last year for the victims... the heroes... to show that I remembered.

It's incredible that I went up to Oklahoma City to run for "them" but I returned a much different man than I ever dreamed...

I'm doing my best not to focus on what I lost but on what I have left to achieve in my life. I have no idea if I'll ever run again... I just know what life is like in the here and now.

Part of me feels crappy... like on nights like tonight where it hurts. Or I want my old life back...

It's hard... it's painful. There are days I wish I could amputate my leg right above the knee. I know that sounds bad but it is what it is... today is one of those days. Would it be a better quality of life to not have to deal with the knee? Yes... that's what goes through the mind...

But all in all, I'm here. I'm moving on with my life. And my one year anniversary is less than a week away.

I don't know why the knee hurts tonight. I haven't done anything on it... in fact, this weekend I kept it pretty "easy." But, there it is. Damaged. Dented. Hurting. Not much change from the normacly...

So I guess through my "rambling" I just want to say that while you may be reading this for my "progress" or "what is going on" in my life, don't forget the people of Oklahoma. The victims. The families. The heroes.

That's why I ran... I wanted to run a "special" race... I just had no idea how long it would last.

What a hell of a year...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Staycation: Day 5

Day 5 was a victorious day in the ongoing war with my next door neighbor.

You see, I live next door to a clan of obtuse idiots who obviously have absolutely no regard for their neighbors or the common man... i.e. me!

Years ago, I read some guy's blog about the continued problems he had with his neighbor... it was funny because it wasn't happening to me. Well, now I don't find that as funny anymore.

It all started when I moved in. I should have spent more time looking around the "hood" before purchasing... but I was a naive and excited new home owner. Had I done so, I would have seen that while there are 3 individuals in the house, there were 4 cars typically parked at the house.

The old man had a new pickup and an old 1960's pickup parked in his driveway... but sometimes his "lady friend" would come by and that would be three cars parked back there. Oh, and that old pickup? He drove it about a half-dozen times each year... and each time, it took him about an hour to get it started... revving the engine and billowing smoke. He still has that crapper!

The old man's daughter lives with him, along with her son. Between the 2 of them, they have gone through 4 cars in the past 5 years. Now she drives her son's pickup and he drives the car she used to have... not sure why the change... but because of the parking lot in the back yard, they park out front.

About four years ago, I looked out to see the old man building a fence. While that may be a good thing, you should see this thing. It's crooked, it has poles sticking up, and it definitely displays a quality of "ugly."

Then the old man decided that he wanted to move the large "barn-like" portable building that was butting up to my fence and put it into his back yard. Great... I welcome the view. However, he also purchased an enclosed gazebo and stuck that in his backyard... which houses his hot tub for he and his lady-friend. Nice.

So about that time, he and I had discussed building a new fence. He let me know that he wasn't going to pay any company and that "we" could build this fence together. Knowing me, imagine the look on my face as I gazed over at his crappy fence.

I then got the ball rolling once my fence was about to fall down. I let him know that the fence was coming down, a new one was coming up, and if he wanted to pitch in for the shared cost of "our" side, here's the amount. No response. So, I ate that cost and we haven't spoken since.

Last year the old man decided, "Hey... I'm retired. I'll buy an RV!" So he poured a slab next to my fence and now parks a beautiful van-camper right next to my yard which I think he has used "maybe" 3 times. It just keeps getting better.

So let's take stock in what is going on back there: Old man's PT Cruiser, 1960's crapper pickup, RV, and sometimes a "lady-friend" Probe that is parked at a slant so it doesn't impede the alley. And did I forget to mention that all of this is in the driveway because he has a BOAT in his garage???

Which brings me to this year... because of everything going on back there, the grandson and the daughter still park out front. Well, because my mailbox is on the property line, they usually park either right in front of it... or too close where the mailman can't deliver the mail... even though they have at least a full car length of empty space between them and their mailbox.

I have asked them multiple times not to block my mailbox... or please don't park too close. I have not only put my own notes on their vehicles, but also the ones I get from the Postal Service saying, "We didn't deliver your mail yesterday because of the vehicle impediment."

This became extremely frustrating last year when I was getting bill after bill for the knee...

Nobody should have to live like this... where they aren't sure if their mail will be picked up or delivered each and every day. I shouldn't have to get a PO BOX just because of the idiots next door.

So with the help of my good friend David, we moved the brick mailbox yesterday. And believe you me, it was NOT an easy fete.

From the first picture above, you can see the closeness of the grandson's car. You can also see that it was leaning quite badly... once we pulled it up, we realized that there was absolutely zero foundation underneath it.

David thinks that it may have weighed about 600 lbs. That's a lot of weight... and not a lot of fun with a bum knee. So, we went through the process of jacking it up... dropping it on plywood that was on top of PVC pipe for rollers... and "scootching" the sucker down the sidewalk a few feet and into it's new resting place.

This whole project took us from 10am until almost 5pm. Long day... sore muscles. But, as you can see, we have a better foundation and I have at least a full car length from the property line to my mailbox. I would have moved it further, but then I would be getting "involved" with the sprinkler lines.

So that's the story... Oh, and while we were in the middle of it, the old man comes out to get his mail. He goes, "That looks like a lot of work." Gee, you think??? And hey, any clue as to WHY someone would be doing this you dumb ass???

After the labor-intensive week I've had, I'm definitely taking it easy this weekend before I return to work on Monday. It's been a great "Staycation." I recommend it to each and every one of you if you ever have a lot of things to take care of around the house.

Now, back to the grindstone...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Staycation: Day 4

Today was another "busy" day in the yard... man, I'm going to need a "vacation" from my vacation!

Spring has definitely sprung in my yard... and I'm working hard to make sure I get it all under control!

After another trip to Home Depot for mulch (I've purchased 8 bags so far!), I was ready to get after it.

In the front yard, I dug up a dead barberry bush... no idea why it died... and transplanted another barberry into its spot.

I also dug out grass, picked weeds, and cut back dead lantana. I planted impatiens into two pots and one hanging basket. So, I'm pretty sure the front yard is now completed... until I get the mailbox moved tomorrow (and eventually will dig out another flower bed around that!).

I then took down the portable green house. Side note: I actually put up that greenhouse about a week after my 2nd surgery. I only told one person because I knew everyone else would yell at me... :-)

Next, I climbed into the rose bush "hedge" to cut back the lantana... and realized that if I ever do that again, I will wear long sleeves and jeans - I'm incredibly scratched up!

After taking a break, I went back out to weed the patio. Some of you know this, but my patio is probably my favorite spot in the house. I like to sit out there after work and relax under the umbrella. Well, my "spot" became overwhelmed with weeds.

It took me about two hours and 3 "home depot" buckets, but the weeds are now gone. It looks awesome... and I'm so glad to have that off of my list!

Anyhoo, I'm still pretty tuckered out... and tomorrow David is coming over to help me move my mailbox. Why does it need to be moved? Because I have an idiot neighbor who either parks in front of it or too close where the mailman won't deliver the mail.

And why do I call them an idiot? Well, when you've posted notes on their cars, as well as the Postal Service's notes, and they still do what you've asked them not to do... well, it's time to take matters into my own hands.

So, the plan is to move the mailbox a few feet and dig out a flower bed to the property line... and hopefully this will result in me receiving uninterrupted mail service.

What a week... totally lovin' it!

Staycation: Day 3

I woke up yesterday very sore... actually, extremely sore... incredibly sore... so freakin' sore that it felt like I'd been hit by a truck, and that truck backed up and went over me a few more times just for good measure!
I think what I did the first few days might be OK for someone who was used to it. But, not me. I wasn't used to the bending, lifting, and squatting.
Tuesday night's excitement? An ice pack dead-center on the knee.
So Wednesday I made the decision to scale back, take it easy, and take on a "project" that I hate: shopping.
One reason I hate shopping is the crowds. I hate shopping when a bunch of people are around, trying on clothes and hearing people "gripe" to their spouses or parents ("No Mom... I don't like that one!!!"), and especially standing in long lines... which always ends with, "You can save 15% today if you open a charge card." Gee... that's all I need... more credit cards!
So I knew I wanted to take care of this "experience" this week when everyone was at work. I also had an "ALL-S" plan: Slacks, shoes, shirts, and socks.
At Kohl's, I found two pairs of slacks, socks, and two shirts. I looked at the shoes, but wasn't impressed... plus, surprisingly, there were quite a few people in the shoe department.
I then went to DSW. While browsing, one of the workers said, "You picked the perfect time - there are hardly any shoppers in the store right now." Ding ding ding...
My mission was to find an extremely comfortable pair of shoes. Quick update: I buy one pair of dress shoes each year. Well, I didn't do this last year so the shoes I've been wearing have gone on for the past 2 years. That is a very long time for dress shoes when you wear them 4 days a week - guys, you know what I'm talking about. They lost all of their support... and they just hurt to wear!
I also decided to switch it up: I bought shoes without laces. See above. They feel fantastic - like wearing slippers! I also bought a new pair of Sketchers - casual shoes I can wear on Fridays (we get to wear jeans).
When I got out to my truck, I felt beaten down... still sore. It then hit me. I know what I need: SUSHI! So I drove out to Central Market to pick up some beer (they have a fantastic selection) and sushi. I bought enough sushi to have it for lunch AND dinner. :-)
After lunch, I laid on the couch and watched some TV. I then decided I needed to get up and do something in the yard... so I fixed up three pots, fed the birds, and then went inside when it started to rain.
I got back on the computer to work on my Family Tree. (This is probably a future blog topic, but I joined and I'm working on understanding where my family comes from)
After a few hours of that, I went back outside and trimmed up my rose "hedge" with clippers, as well as a few bushes.
So, not a lot of excitement (or heavy lifting/bending) yesterday. However, I still feel like I accomplished a lot. Today is more yard work and then Friday I'm getting help from David to move my mailbox.
Stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Staycation: Day 2

I am definitely not the man I used to be...

Each year about this time, I plant my garden. Today was a "wakeup call," so to speak. It definitely hit me how much the knee has impacted my life.

Before I start writing, I'll say this: Today kicked my butt. BIG TIME! Of the 3 things I wanted to accomplish, I finished two.

The day began after breakfast. I hit the road to get everything I needed to plant my garden.

I learned my "garden skills" from my Aunt Loretta, who is a product of my grandpa. You don't just dig a hole... you have to "season" your garden. To do that, you need to get things from various places.

My first stop was a feed store in downtown Garland. I bought 20 lbs. of bone meal and 15 lbs. of cotton seed meal. I also looked to buy "hot banana peppers." No dice.

The next stop was Home Depot. I needed to replace a sprinkler head. I also ventured into the garden center to look for manure and hot banana peppers. They didn't have either of those, but they had onions... I bought a bunch (60).

I then went to Walmart... surely they would have the manure and the peppers. Well, no dice on the peppers but I bought the manure. Unfortunately, I bought before I drove out to the area to pick it up: No manure. So I had to wait in a nice line to get my $1.49 back. Awesome.

OK... so maybe Lowes would have what I needed. I first went straight to the peppers... and found the hot bananas! I then got the manure, and bought a few other plants.

Back at the house, I had to take a little break. That was a lot of walking around. I wasn't looking forward to what I needed to do - it was going to be a lot of work on a leg that is about half as strong as what it was. After a big glass of water, I figured, "OK... here we go."

For the next few hours: I cleared out the dead plants, dug up the weeds, tilled the garden, added the bone meal and cotton seed, tilled that in, layed out the plants, dug the holes, mixed the "seasoning" that needed to go into each hole, planted, mulched, and watered.

After it was all said and done, I have 6 tomato plants, 8 pepper plants (jalepeno, hot banana, mild banana, and anaheim), and 60 onions. I also ran out of room so I had to put 2 of the hot bananas into pots. Oh, and I also planted 18 grass plugs on the north part of my house (it was looking like I was starting a dirt farm!).

While it was a productive day, I still have so much more to do. I never took down the green house... guess that will be another day. I'm worn out, sunburned (not like Galveston!!!), and very tired.

Planting a garden makes one bend a lot... and I gotta tell you: It hurts! I have put a lot of stress on the knee in the past 2 days. It's killing me... but, I'm hanging in there. Aleve is my best friend!

So, why the focus on the hot bananas? When I was at my parent's house on Sunday, I found out that they aren't doing a garden this year. Knowing that they like tomatoes, I always have that covered. But Joel really likes the hot banana pepper... so I am growing 3 in my garden for him, and I'm giving him a pot of his very own.

What a day... and having a great vacay!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Staycation: Day 1

If you know anything about me, you know that my yard is a "very important" part of my life.

When I broke the knee, things not only went south in that area... but also with my yard.

I was fortunate last year that I planted my garden and fixed up all of my flower beds/patio prior to the kneetastrophe. However... a "good yard" isn't just a one-time fix. It's an ongoing process throughout the year to maintain the hard work that you put in during the spring planting.

Well, I didn't get to do that. Weeds and grass got into the beds, the garden went to hell, and the bushes and trees never got pruned.

I will say this: I did receive some offers for help. However, I just felt terrible to ask someone to come over and pick the weeds while I sat there and watched. I know... my friends would have done this at the drop of the hat and wouldn't have held any ill will. But... I just let it go to...

Which leads to this year... I have taken a week off to "pace myself" while I take care of all of the things that I need to either fix, catch up on, dig, plant, prune, or buy.

Today was Day One...

I stayed up late (midnight... which NEVER happens) and figured I'd sleep until 10 or so. Nope... internal clock and hearing the neighbors leave for work had me up by 8:30. After making my heart attack breakfast, I headed out.

Covington's was on the agenda for the day. I had been to Lowe's and Home Depot over the weekend to look over their plants... but was completely disappointed. Covington's is in Rowlett and is known to have a great selection. Well, they filled the bill perfectly! I bought zinnias, imatiens, potato vines, sage, and 6 tomato plants.

Returning home, I hit it pretty strong... dug up three beds and planted the zinnias and impatiens and covered them with mulch. I also fixed up one large pot and two hanging baskets.

On Saturday I bought two flats of grass plugs... so I planted 18 plugs out of one of the flats on the side of my house.

Besides yardwork... I put out the trash, watered the yard, broke down boxes, put up my umbrella, cleaned off the patio furniture, and now I'm doing laundry.

But you want to know the best part of my day? It was after finishing all of the hard work and sitting on my patio. I broke out one of my cigars... and let's just say it was exactly what I wanted to be doing for the next few hours.

I have so much more to do... but so far, I've made a serious dent in my project list!

The knee? It's sore... the muscles are very sore, too... and I'm a bit sunburned (slightly). But all in all, I feel great! Can't wait to finish it all and show you the pics!