There is one group that has been with me for a long time... reading my blog (at least this one) ever since I decided to run the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon.
You were a part of my initial runs... my training... my aches & pains.
Then there is another group. You showed up right after you heard the news about "the break heard round the water cooler."
After the accident, I was inundated with phone calls and emails. It was great to hear from people on one hand, but on the other it was a bit overwhelming.
So I told everyone I would try to keep everyone updated by posting on my blog. This little site quickly exploded with visits. Not sure if you've noticed, but I do have a counter on the lower right. I think it's right around 3,000 hits.
Well, one year ago it took me 4 months to get up to around 600 hits. One month after the accident, I had over 1,200!
People were very interested in the story, my recovery, and I guess... the daily adventures (using a walker, going out to the mailbox, sleeping, etc.) Hey, whatever floats your boat!
So as we're approaching the anniversary, I thought I'd reminisce a bit.
Someone asked me this week, "Do you just want to travel back in time and tell 'Regan' not to do it?" Good question... obviously, in some respects... YES!
But, I guess as I've shared, there's a reason for everything...
Anyhoo, here is one of my last blogs before the race. It's titled, "Let's Marathon!"
It's really interesting to read... especially the sentence, "Nothing is going to stop me at this point..."
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