Finally I'm reading some news about football - Cowboy's Training Camp, Big 12 Media Days, etc. However, I'm ready for the games! I can't wait to watch college games on Saturdays and NFL games on Sundays! I've already renewed my Sunday Ticket from DirecTV!...
So I finally dumped my Sprint phone! For those that have ever had the pleasure of talking on the phone with me and the call drops, I believe I have found a solution - Apple iPhone! All I can say is it totally rocks! My beef with Sprint wasn't just about the phone - but more of the coverage and some billing issues. I am now an AT&T customer.
The iPhone has been described to me (by current owners) as more of a "mobile computer" rather than a phone... and I totally agree. It's amazing! I can email, surf the web, use GPS, listen to music, take pictures, video, and many other things using any of the 30,000 (yes... 30k!) applications that you can download (most for free!) from the Apple iTunes store.
There will be no change on your end - you can still call me or email me using my previous information. One thing you may see that is different is my email account will reflect "" - don't worry about that. You can email me at any of my 5 accounts (bet you didn't know I had that many) and they'll all reach me. The only difference is work email can't be tied to my iPhone due to corporate policy...
Have you tried to buy ammo lately for your gun? Good gravy is it difficult! If you walk into Walmart, Academy, Bass Pro, etc, you will just be greeted by empty shelves. I found a place online called "Cheaper Than Dirt." It's out of Fort Worth, and they'll ship it to you. But beware... if you put something in your shopping cart and wait for an hour, it may be purchased by someone else before you checkout. I had to go back in and find something else - that's how fast bullets are being picked up these days...
My home improvement project continues. I went shopping for blinds yesterday with my Mom to get an idea of prices. I found a style and look I like - but I'm going to see if Home Depot has lower prices than what I was quoted elsewhere. For those that have made this purchase before, you know how much these things cost!
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