Hearing that for the first time, as well as several since then, has always been surprising to me.
"How could I NOT try and have a good attitude about all of this?"
As I've written below, I believe we can choose our attitude.... our response... in effect, take control. Why? Because we alone usually have the best perspective in what is truly going on.
Recently, I've been learning about the "Pits" of life. We weren't born yesterday... we all know we go through trials in our everyday lives. We will have trials... that's a given. For this discussion, let's just call it "a pit."
When you're in a pit, it's tough. You're stuck. You're down. Maybe you're there because of no fault on your own - betrayal, deceit, envy, etc. Someone has done something to put you in the pit. Or, in my case, an accident happened - one that I don't think anyone could see coming. Whatever the case, you're in the pit and you have to decide what to do next. What is your response going to be?
Do you remember the story of Joseph from the book of Genesis? He was favored by his father Jacob, but despised by his brothers. They decided to throw him into a cistern (pit) and sell him as a slave to those going into Egypt. He hadn't done anything... yet, he was disrobed ("coat of many colors") and thrown into his own "pit of despair." Joseph was loyal to the Lord, and did not respond by attacking others or God. He kept his focus that God is in control.
Genesis 39 picks up where Joseph was working for Potiphar, one of the Pharaoh's officials, as his attendant - he was in charge of his entire household. He did this for 10 years, and was very loyal to Potiphar and his family. Unfortunately, Potiphar's wife lied and told him that Joseph attacked her... yet again, he was sent to prison. A dungeon. Translation: He was put into another pit.
Genesis 39:20 "But while Joseph was there in the prison, the Lord was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden."
So there he is in the pit, and God is still with him. Do we forget that when we're in the midst of our pits? Do we lose focus? Do we focus on the walls or the floor of the pit... and not look UP???
The story goes on to show that not only does Joseph get out of that pit, but he becomes one of the highest officials in the land as he's found favor with Pharoah. And, it just so happens, that there is a great famine in the region and his brothers and father come to Egypt for help... and to their astonishment, Joseph is the one that gives them the help. Not only does he save them, but he forgives them.
One thing to know is that while we'll all face our own pits, we have a choice on getting out of the hole. For me, I didn't want to sit and stare at these walls. I wanted out... and I knew the best way was to focus on the positive.
I was rewarded with love... compassion... friendships... loyalty... devotion... selflesslessness... from friends, family, and even strangers.
I wrote once that I felt that God was preparing me for something. I still believe that. I could also write it that, "God is preparing me for something he has prepared for me." Have you ever thought of that when you're in one of your pits? Beyond anything, God is in control... I have Faith in that. I have to.
But through it all, we have to demonstrate patience. It's tough, though... especially for me to say and write that.
Right now, I just want to go out and run. I want to start rehab. I want to go to the gym... get on that treadmill or elliptical. I want to get on my bike and ride around the block. I want to jog. I want to walk up or down stairs like a normal person. I want to walk without a limp. I want the pain to stop everytime I take a step...
But I know God is with me through all of this. I know that "WE" are together on this. He knows it hurts. He knows it's been frustrating. But for me to succeed, I know I can't do it alone. I need Him to be here with me while I'm working my way out of the pit. I need to show Him loyalty... love... and that is best done through my attitude. My response.
So that, I guess in a nutshell, is my best explanation of why I have a good attitude. It's out of my relationship with my Father, the one who is in control and who is there with me in this pit, that I respond this way.
I waited patiently for the LORD;
he turned to me and heard my cry.
He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
out of the mud and mire;
he set my feet on a rock
and gave me a firm place to stand.
He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear
and put their trust in the LORD.
Blessed is the man
who makes the LORD his trust,
who does not look to the proud,
to those who turn aside to false gods.
Psalm 40: 1-4
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