Last June 2008, two thugs got on the DART train and headed to Garland - the downtown station - with the sole purpose of robbing someone. It was late, after 10pm, when the train stopped and they got off.
I'd like you to read this story, and then come back and finish up reading my comments/thoughts:
For the past two weeks, James Broadnax has been on trial... not to determine his innocence, but for his sentencing.
The prosecutors and the defense have brought in numerous people so the jury could decide his fate. Both the mothers of the deceased have testified, as have other family and friends. The defense has countered with claims that Broadnax was an abused child and deserves leniency. Yesterday, they finally started to deliberate.
This hits home for two reasons. For one, I knew the story of this Christian music studio. One Sunday, a few years ago, I read an article about how Matthew Butler and his wife had started this studio. Seeing her picture in the paper, I recognized her as a girl that rode the train with me. I even remembered when she was pregnant... she always looked very peaceful and content... and she has this brilliant red hair. Knowing that she has gone through this personal hell is just terrible...
The other reason is that I've been known to take those late trains into Garland. Typically at work, we'll have a Happy Hour. These sometimes last close to 10pm, so I just get dropped off at the nearest station and I take the train home. It's not the most comfortable ride, either. To say it's a little rough would be sugar-coating it. But, I figured it's just 15 minutes and then I'm back to my truck and on my way. Now, knowing this could happen, I've changed my ways and my decisions.
If I had been on that train that night, I would have gotten off at the same time with those two murderers. And given that the parking lot is pretty much empty, I guess I have a general idea where they would have left my body. And it has made me think how incredibly awful it would be for my family and friends to have to endure a trial (and interview!) like that.
I guess it's the world we live in... evil is out there.
Matthew Butler and Steven Swan did nothing wrong. They were just working late in their music studio, and happened to leave at the worst possible moment. I wonder what they were thinking in their last moments...
Today the jury came back with the Death Penalty for James Broadnax. While I know this isn't closure, I'm sure the families believe justice has been served.
For me, it's a sad and tragic way to learn a lesson that I should have known long ago... believe me, I know it now.
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