I believe I have shared some of my "Jerktacular" moments in previous posts... People cutting in front of me through the handicapped automatic door, able-bodied people not giving up the handicapped seat on the train, people not holding the door for me as I'm approaching on crutches, etc.
Well, today we had a new entry in "Idiocracy."
I've been working on reducing the limp... typically I'm concentrating on how I'm walking, and making sure I'm not moving too fast to cause problems.
Today, I decided not to go to the Subway in my building for a sandwich. Instead, I opted for a Turkey/Bacon/Avocado on wheat across the street - man, it's a good one! They heat it up, too.
Well, when I was about halfway across the street, someone honked. At first I thought it might be someone who recognized me - I was right there by my building. However, that was quickly negated once my eyes came across the offender.
As if they hadn't made their point clear enough with the honk, they turned sharply and hit the gas... coming dangerously close to making their anger "well known" with my body.
And who was it? Probably the biggest "fat-of-a-freak" woman (and I use that word VERY lightly) driving her "oh so beautiful" 1985 "it-might-be-silver" Buick Skylark... complete with a dipping ceiling cover, several people crammed in there with all of her loveliness... and the windows down on one of the hottest days of the year.
I mean, if that's all ya' got, then fine... honk at the cripple as he's trying to get across the road while his knee is shooting shards of pain up and down his leg. Yeah, you rock!
And wherever you had to go at the few seconds I delayed you... I apologize. I'm sure Mcfatties didn't run out of your "sack-0-chow." I hope you were able to quickly attach your feed bag and go to town...
My bad... next time, I'll limp faster.
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