I have been looking forward to this time off for a long time. I need to decompress... I need alone time... I need to sleep late, not face deadlines, and certainly not plan anything. Basically, it all needs to be about "ME."
And while I'm doing what I want and when I want, I also need to eat whatever the heck I want. Right? You hear'n me out there? Is this thing on???
Tonight after I got home from work (and turned the damn Blackberry off!), I got into my gear and headed out for a nice 5-mile run. Due to things outside of my control (work), I wasn't able to make last night's run.
Well, the run wasn't the greatest. I have been sore all week, and it didn't let up. For some odd reason, I've been having an annoying pain running down the inside of my calf. Knees are hurting a little more these days, and sometimes I catch myself in a "limp" while running.
After the 2nd mile, I was struggling. I had a stitch in my side, and my calves were on fire. I walked for about 30 yards to see if that would help... it did, but not enough. The rest of the miles weren't very fun, but they were completed.
When I came inside, I was thirsty - I think I drank 3-4 glasses of water. 51 minutes is a long time to run without water. I tried to stretch, but honestly... I just wanted to sit down.
After cleaning up, I started to think... "Hmmm... what do I want to eat tonight?" I thought of all of these things that would cause me to get up out of the chair and go "pick up." As good as they sounded, moving around wasn't very appealing to me. Driving somewhere wasn't what I wanted to do. And then it hit me...
(I think my mouth is watering just telling this story!)
It starts with 2 slices of toast... mayo... mustard... Then, you add 2 pieces of bacon (halve the slices and put them on each piece of toast). Next, add a slab of Hot patty sausage to one side and a fried egg on the other side (the yolk is cooked). Sprinkle on shredded cheese to both sides. Now, add 2 slices of polish sausage and an egg (to the side that doesn't have it) and more cheese... Smash it all together and let it melt into a heavenly mess of goodness...
Why on earth would I do that to myself? Well, I recently read that your body craves certain foods when it needs them. No, my body didn't need all of that crap above... but it did need the carbs and proteins to help rebuild the broken-down muscles. That's why you may notice you eat like a horse after certain workouts!
So there you go... a recipe for a trip to the ER. It's an awesome sandwich... one of which I now have to go work off! Try one for yourself sometime... it's not just for breakfast!
PS No, that's not a picture of it... but it's close. Mine is just a lot busier and taller. :-)
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