From now on, if you type, you will be directed to this site. I was a bit surprised nobody had purchased that domain name... and now it's mine... all mine... muhahahahaha
For those that come here via my website, know this: If you've been annoyed at the "red x's" that come up when you're looking at my pictures, that's due to others being on the site at the same time. Basically, I was too cheap to pay a host... so I hosted it myself on my own box. Not anymore. Now, you can go to my website and it'll load extremely fast.
Yes, I opened up the purse strings and there you have it... faster domain, faster pictures, and now tons of people can be on it at once without causing problems.
In other news, I joined Lifelock. Have you seen those commercials of the guy that gives out his social security number? To me, that's crazy... but actually effective advertising.
After dealing with some recent "identity" issues, I started doing some research on the best identity protection services out there. Have you ever thought about this? The federal government estimates 9 million citizens will be a victim this year alone. To me, it's the world we live in now... people trying to use other people's credit to obtain goods and services.
Not only that, thieves could use a person's address, driver's license, or any other type of identification to get setup with phone, cable, utilities, etc. I found this site that rates several of the top services if you're interested in more information: Link
Anyway, it makes me feel a little more secure knowing this part of my life is protected.
The Baylor Men's Basketball team is still in the NIT tournament. We play San Diego State this Tuesday night in New York's Madison Square Garden. It's on ESPN at 6:00 PM. If we win this semifinal game, we'll play Thursday night for the championship against either Notre Dame or Penn State.
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