It's the story of Matt Long, a New York City Fireman who has an amazing survival story.
Prior to December 22, 2005, Matt was an accomplished athlete. He had competed in numerous Iron Mans and had run in several marathons. He had even qualified for the Boston Marathon...
But on the morning of the 22nd, he was hit by a transit bus as he made his way to work on his bike. Well, "hit" isn't really the operative word. More like, "run over." He was pinned beneath the bus near the rear axle!
His story is chronicled in a recent article in the magazine, and it's incredibly moving. I hope each of you gain something from this, and count your blessings. We're all fortunate to have the ability to walk/run/exercise without struggle... imagine if that was all taken away???
Pictured above is Matt, in the center, running the New York Marathon last fall. It's a miracle that he even survived let alone can run a marathon!
Here is the link: Story
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