It started to hit me Sunday night. I was out with my friends, having a few pints, when it came time to pay the tab. As I opened my wallet, I was shocked to see my credit card was missing.
Like others, I have a "backup" card that I use typically for large purchases. Sure enough, that card was missing as well. I had actually used both cards that weekend, one as recent as the day before. Where could they be? Surely they are at my house... right?
Well, when I returned home and discovered they were nowhere to be found, I decided to login to my credit card to see if I was missing anything (like a place I had used them last). I then noticed a $1 charge to Exxon. Knowing that I haven't been to an Exxon in years, and that the $1 charge is just the approval amount before the rest of it hits the following day, I immediately called and canceled the card.
I then called my other credit card... and found out the worst. That card was used earlier in the day at Lowes. Someone spent over $4,000.00 on my damn card! How in the hell (excuse me... but I'm still a bit angry!) can Lowes not check for ID on a purchase like that? Well, cancel cancel cancel was all I could do.
I later discovered that my Home Depot and Best Buy cards were also missing. I canceled those, and found out they weren't hit... yet. Geez louise!
So, how did this happen?
When I go to the gym, I typically leave my wallet in my truck (not in plain sight) and lock it up. So on Sunday afternoon, it was out of my possession and in my truck. Worse, when I got home, I left it in the truck by mistake... Now, given that I've been known to forget to lock my truck, I'm certain that McBurglar either stole it while I was at the gym or when I was at my house. So... one of those places, I was stupid. Very very stupid.
Speaking of stupid... they weren't. They didn't steal the whole wallet. They only took my cards. Had they taken the wallet, I would have known immediately. Thankfully they missed my AMEX card (corporate) and ID (hidden behind my DART pass).
But you have to think, "What causes someone to get to that point in their life where they think they can steal and believe it's OK?" So they bought $53 worth of gas and over $4k at Lowes. Not a teenager... so it's someone like me. Someone like us. OK... not like us. Someone who is freakin' warped in the head and needs to feel the full wrath of the law.
When I get the affidavit from the credit card companies, I hope I provide them with enough info to find the perps and make them pay. Literally!
Therefore, that's why I haven't had the chance to write lengthy dissertations regarding my 3-mile or 6-mile runs over the weekend. They were actually good runs... and on Sunday I spent 80 minutes running/walking and burning 1010 calories.
However, you just found that out because I've been a bit busy... unfortunately.
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