Monday, March 30, 2009
Matt Long... Marathoner!
It's the story of Matt Long, a New York City Fireman who has an amazing survival story.
Prior to December 22, 2005, Matt was an accomplished athlete. He had competed in numerous Iron Mans and had run in several marathons. He had even qualified for the Boston Marathon...
But on the morning of the 22nd, he was hit by a transit bus as he made his way to work on his bike. Well, "hit" isn't really the operative word. More like, "run over." He was pinned beneath the bus near the rear axle!
His story is chronicled in a recent article in the magazine, and it's incredibly moving. I hope each of you gain something from this, and count your blessings. We're all fortunate to have the ability to walk/run/exercise without struggle... imagine if that was all taken away???
Pictured above is Matt, in the center, running the New York Marathon last fall. It's a miracle that he even survived let alone can run a marathon!
Here is the link: Story
Sunday, March 29, 2009
From now on, if you type, you will be directed to this site. I was a bit surprised nobody had purchased that domain name... and now it's mine... all mine... muhahahahaha
For those that come here via my website, know this: If you've been annoyed at the "red x's" that come up when you're looking at my pictures, that's due to others being on the site at the same time. Basically, I was too cheap to pay a host... so I hosted it myself on my own box. Not anymore. Now, you can go to my website and it'll load extremely fast.
Yes, I opened up the purse strings and there you have it... faster domain, faster pictures, and now tons of people can be on it at once without causing problems.
In other news, I joined Lifelock. Have you seen those commercials of the guy that gives out his social security number? To me, that's crazy... but actually effective advertising.
After dealing with some recent "identity" issues, I started doing some research on the best identity protection services out there. Have you ever thought about this? The federal government estimates 9 million citizens will be a victim this year alone. To me, it's the world we live in now... people trying to use other people's credit to obtain goods and services.
Not only that, thieves could use a person's address, driver's license, or any other type of identification to get setup with phone, cable, utilities, etc. I found this site that rates several of the top services if you're interested in more information: Link
Anyway, it makes me feel a little more secure knowing this part of my life is protected.
The Baylor Men's Basketball team is still in the NIT tournament. We play San Diego State this Tuesday night in New York's Madison Square Garden. It's on ESPN at 6:00 PM. If we win this semifinal game, we'll play Thursday night for the championship against either Notre Dame or Penn State.
"It's Gotta Be the Shoes..."
It was Spike Lee asking Jordan if he was so talented because of his shoes. If you want a blast from the past, click here.
After going through some REALLY painful runs, I decided to go talk to the experts: Run On!
If you're a runner (or walker), shoes make all of the difference in your training. One thing I used to do (before running) was to just buy the shoes that I thought looked the coolest. Sure, I'd try them on... but I'd try on the ones that I liked first.
At Run On, or any other running store, they offer free fittings. What this means is you bring in your current shoes and show them the wear/tear... then they'll have you walk in front of them so they can observe your gait. Recognizing a person's movement can help determine the proper shoe for the expert.
Yesterday, I did just that. After speaking about my current injuries, the running specialist asked to see how I moved... which, she determined, I should shoot for a "neutral" shoe. She brought out several, including the latest version of the shoe I had been running on, but it was the first one that really did the trick.
It felt incredible! I was really apprehensive about changing from a Brooks to an Asics. I have been running on Brooks shoes for the past several years. However, this Asics Nimbus 10 felt amazing... not only did it have the cushion and support, but it also felt extremely light.
She also told me that maybe I'm having all of these injuries because my current shoes have lost all of their shock absorption. She said a person probably doesn't notice this when they're running a lot on the treadmill... but when they hit the pavement, the pounding takes it's toll. Makes sense to me...
So today was the test... I hit the "road" with my new shoes, a new shirt, and even a new song on my iPod. I was pumped!
The first 2 miles were painful... It's very hard to describe, but it feels like I'm running on a broken leg. After that, it started to loosen up a bit. By mile 3, I was cruising. And at 4, it hit me that if I push a little harder, maybe I'll beat the 40 minute mark!
Which... drumroll... is what exactly happened! I ran 4 miles in 39:25, a 9:51 pace. Not bad for someone who is injured! I really wanted to do well, and I actually shattered any pace I've ever had... Now I know I won't be able to keep that up in the OKC Marathon, but at least it felt good to run wild today!
It's gotta be the shoes... :-)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
"Houston, We Have a Problem..."
My loyal readers have probably been "fully aware" that I haven't been writing. Whether it has been work or life, let's just say "stuff" has gotten in the way.
But there has been another factor...
Yes, we have a problem.
About a week ago, I noticed an annoying pain in my right leg. It was actually multiple pains happening at varying degrees. For instance, one day I'd be running and my knee would be hurting. Then I would run a different day and it was my ankle. Always on my right leg (and my bad knee), I couldn't help but think I was experiencing something problematic.
At work, my days/weeks have sucked... especially when it comes to trying to plan a run. Think about your life... you come home, do whatever, eat, relax, and then attempt to go to sleep. For me, and probably most runners, you've got to fit in a "run" in the midst of all of that.
As one who experiences insomnia (since a kid!), I have a hard time winding down when I'm running after 8 PM. Therefore, I make it a point not to run after that time.
Because of that decision, and that for a very frustratingly-schedule-that-confounds-this-endeavor, Wednesdays have become a long run in the middle of my chaotic work-week. How have I handled this? I have had to skip Wednesdays and cram my runs into the days that follow...
I bring this up because last week I ran 29 miles in 5 straight days... Due to more scheduling conflicts (I swear I'm about to disown my friends and tell work to "stick it!"), I had to run 5 days straight! Believe me... it sucked. Let me walk you through that fiasco...
Thursday: I come home from work, exhausted, and I have to run 5 miles. Think about that in your normal workday...
Friday: I have the day off. My goal is to work in my yard, which I do... however, after all of that I have to run 4 miles. So the soreness that one feels after bending over all day, you NOW have to go run 4 miles.
Saturday: Another 4 miles... I'll just leave it at that.
Sunday: Big day... 8 miles. Becky joined Chandra and I out at the lake. That's 80 minutes of running (more or less) and I'm still sore from the yard work!
Monday: Good gawd here we go again... on my day off... both from work and in running, I have to force myself into a 4-miler because I "have" to entertain out-of-town guests on Tuesday night.
So I'm finishing up my 4 mile and I'm hurting... big time... my right leg has just about "killed" the entire run. I keep wondering what is going on... why won't it ease up? When I finally (mercifully!) finish the run, I'm limping. Seriously... it hurts just to put weight on it.
For the past 2 days I have really had to struggle to put weight on that leg. I've wondered if it's a stress fracture... which, would just about kill me and my chances to run in OKC.
So tonight I took the night off. I'm icing it and hoping beyond hope it's muscular. But I know it's a problem and I just need to figure it out... or what to do about it.
I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
"You want Fries with that Shake???"
I have been looking forward to this time off for a long time. I need to decompress... I need alone time... I need to sleep late, not face deadlines, and certainly not plan anything. Basically, it all needs to be about "ME."
And while I'm doing what I want and when I want, I also need to eat whatever the heck I want. Right? You hear'n me out there? Is this thing on???
Tonight after I got home from work (and turned the damn Blackberry off!), I got into my gear and headed out for a nice 5-mile run. Due to things outside of my control (work), I wasn't able to make last night's run.
Well, the run wasn't the greatest. I have been sore all week, and it didn't let up. For some odd reason, I've been having an annoying pain running down the inside of my calf. Knees are hurting a little more these days, and sometimes I catch myself in a "limp" while running.
After the 2nd mile, I was struggling. I had a stitch in my side, and my calves were on fire. I walked for about 30 yards to see if that would help... it did, but not enough. The rest of the miles weren't very fun, but they were completed.
When I came inside, I was thirsty - I think I drank 3-4 glasses of water. 51 minutes is a long time to run without water. I tried to stretch, but honestly... I just wanted to sit down.
After cleaning up, I started to think... "Hmmm... what do I want to eat tonight?" I thought of all of these things that would cause me to get up out of the chair and go "pick up." As good as they sounded, moving around wasn't very appealing to me. Driving somewhere wasn't what I wanted to do. And then it hit me...
(I think my mouth is watering just telling this story!)
It starts with 2 slices of toast... mayo... mustard... Then, you add 2 pieces of bacon (halve the slices and put them on each piece of toast). Next, add a slab of Hot patty sausage to one side and a fried egg on the other side (the yolk is cooked). Sprinkle on shredded cheese to both sides. Now, add 2 slices of polish sausage and an egg (to the side that doesn't have it) and more cheese... Smash it all together and let it melt into a heavenly mess of goodness...
Why on earth would I do that to myself? Well, I recently read that your body craves certain foods when it needs them. No, my body didn't need all of that crap above... but it did need the carbs and proteins to help rebuild the broken-down muscles. That's why you may notice you eat like a horse after certain workouts!
So there you go... a recipe for a trip to the ER. It's an awesome sandwich... one of which I now have to go work off! Try one for yourself sometime... it's not just for breakfast!
PS No, that's not a picture of it... but it's close. Mine is just a lot busier and taller. :-)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
"I'm A Runner"
I also enjoy the human interest stories - varying from the beginner to the world-class athlete. I think I identify with each person no matter what their level - we all have to start from the same place!
On the last page of each issue is a short article called "I'm A Runner." They always have someone who most people would know - celebrity, politician, news person, etc. It's always interesting to me to find out, "Wow... they run too!"
This month is about New York Governor David Patterson. While he's had some controversy in office, it is interesting to see I have this in common with him. If you're interested in reading his story, or the others (some may really surprise you), just click here.
Today's run was hot... the temperature is 75 degrees and climbing. While that will be nothing in a few months, it is actually "something" to someone who has been training during the winter. Don't get me wrong - it's beautiful outside. It's just stinkin' hot!
I still ran the 4 miles in 40:09 - a 10:02 pace - and burned 703 calories. Along the way, I encountered a dead snake, numerous kids, 2 girls looking for a lost dog, 3 dogs not on their leashes (1 was the missing dog), the same Chem-Lawn guy at several houses, and a few people mowing their yards.
Oh, and is it me, or do the flowering Pear trees stink? Seriously... take a whiff... that's not a pleasant smelling bloom.
Ahh... the sounds and smells of Spring! I sure am glad I'm a runner to enjoy all of it!
Monday, March 16, 2009
This Church "Gets It!"
Since First Church sits between the start and finish line of the Oklahoma Memorial Marathon, it opens its doors each April with a pancake breakfast, restroom facilities, course marshals, kids play area, and a place to just rest and watch the race. The night before the race the church invites the runners to a service of blessing, as well hosting a short prayer service the morning of the race under the Survivor Tree at the OKC National Memorial. First Church's Second Wind Outreach has become an annual ministry to thousands of people from all over the world.
As most of you know, I'm involved with an organization in Dallas called Finish Strong Dallas. The sole purpose is to encourage runners as they finish their last mile at the Dallas White Rock Marathon each year (and pass out some water!). Our group formed because the downtown Dallas churches have turned their backs on the runners... even though the marathon goes right past their front doors. We have met a lot of resistance from these churches, so it's refreshing to know that I'll be running in a marathon where one church "gets it." I hope you enjoy the video.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I'm Kinda Tired...
Do the math... that's over 40 miles of running each day!
On February 20, Charlie, Ray and Kevin touched the Red Sea, just a few hours before sunset. Their quest had lasted 111 days and taken them through 6 countries: Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Libya, and Egypt. By the team's daily GPS record, they had traveled over 4,300 miles (6,920 kilometers). They fought through injury and extreme fatigue to reach their goal, which changed them forever.
Check it out here. I look forward to seeing this movie... most likely via DVD.
I bring that up because it hit me today why I'm so tired... I've run 19 miles in the past 4 days.
Now while my achievement pales in comparsion to their run, it has been something a bit unusual. Most runners know that you don't run more than 3 days in a row. Your body needs a break... a day of rest, so to speak.
However, given my schedule and the recent increased demands upon it (professional and personal), it became necessary to make some adjustments... and sacrifices!
Today I met Chandra out at White Rock Lake. It was a lot "trashier" than a week ago. In Dallas, we have had a lot of heavy rains in recent days. When that happens, the White Rock Creek fills up and pushes trash into the lake. It's disgusting... but the creek collects all of the storm water from the neighborhoods... and thus, you have a mess at the lake. Ahh, the plight of the urban lake.
For a runner, the conditions were awesome! 51 degrees, no wind, and not very crowded. After a mile of walking, we started our run. Within the first mile, I was struck with a rather uncomfortable predicament: I had to pee.
You know, you go and go and go before you start your runs... but inevitably, something like this happens to me a few times a year. We started scouting for the "port-o-potties," and found 2 of them after the first mile.
Well my friends, public tur-lets are just freakin' disgusting. You move to a different level when they are "portable." Now put one in a park with easy access and availability, and you never know what's going to greet you when you swing open that door.
Of the 2, only one was free. I quickly discovered why... I should have been clued before opening the door and I saw a runner of toilet paper coming out from the door. Opening it up, I found what appeared to be the results of a bomb exploding inside a "very used" toilet. Literally. Figuratively. Any which way you can picture it or envision it, it was just horribly horribly bad.
As I joined Chandra on the trail, she was laughing at what I must have seen. However, I wasn't talking... I was gagging. I thought I was about to lose whatever was in my stomach at the time. I kept thinking of that bathroom stall I saw in Guatemala... this wasn't as bad, but it was darn close.
Have you ever seen the movie, "Desperado?" If you have, think of "that toilet." It was probably just as bad...
After 2 miles of sloshing, I found another pair of turdlets. I quickly left Chandra, and headed down to them (they were below the trail and close to the lake). The setting was quite serene... I thought, "Ahh... maybe these will be nice." Well, that thought died quickly...
As I opened the door to the handicapped one, I saw it did not have a urinal... hmm... which leads only "the hole" to set my sights on and start shootin'. Well, you gotta "see" to "fire" and what I "saw" was not "human"! I have no idea what that was or how it came out of the human body, but I quickly left and opened door #2.
This one had the urinal... but there was a lot of "action" that had gone on in there before me... so I stared down the only clean section of wall in front of me as I forced all of that liquid out of my system as quickly as I could. "Damn the aim," I thought... "Just gun it and go!"
Finally... an empty tank and I'm ready to really run! And Chandra was still laughing...
So now we were cookin'. We ran and chatted and noted runners and discussed the flowering plants that we saw. I ran up the spillway again (I didn't do that 2 years ago), and we ran into Kevin on the other side of the lake (he was preparing for a bike ride).
We finished up our 7 miles - the picture above is from my Garmin GPS of our run. What it doesn't show you is that the first and last miles were walks as the lake is 9 miles around. Our average pace was 10:58, and we burned 1450 calories. Not bad for a day's work!
I know some of you "non-runners" enjoy reading this blog because of the story lines. I mean, who doesn't like a good "pee" story?
However, I want to encourage each of you to see Running The Sahara - especially the runners and what they go through in their quest. I couldn't imagine it... but then again, I'm just an amateur trying to do something good for his life.
Now if I can only gain better control of my bladder... I guess that all Depends. hahahaha
Thursday, March 12, 2009
What a Great Day!!!
You see, my Baylor Bears had just beaten the 11th-ranked Kansas Jayhawks in the Big 12 Tournament! Not only was KU ranked, they were the #1 seed in the tourney (we are 9th out of 12)!
It was a stunning victory! Immediately it became the number one sports story of the day, especially given that "March Madness" is about to begin and KU is the defending National Champion!
If you're interested in seeing the rest of the story, check out CBS. By the way, that picture over there is the lead story on the CBS' website with the title, "KU KO'd!"
As if that weren't enough to get me going, I returned to the gym tonight. This was my first workout at the gym since my credit cards were stolen almost 2 weeks ago.
Below I wrote about how my runs are about to get a bit tougher... but I had no idea how difficult they would be just to fit into my schedule!
Yesterday was one of those days at work where everything seemed to go wrong... basically, putting out a bunch of fires. By the time I got home, it was after 7pm. It had rained cats and dogs on me going into work, and Mother Nature decided on a repeat performance in the evening. Given my day, and the time, I just decided to stay in... and push my workout to Thursday (tonight).
So, now you're caught up...
As I walked into the gym, I wasn't sure how things would go. It was another "member appreciation night," so there were a few tables set up with the local eateries hawking their food. Ahh... temptation... that's just what I want in the gym.
I headed upstairs and decided to forgo the other machines and just focus on the treadmill. I had 5 miles tonight. Sheesh! Remember when I first ran 5 miles? It was Super Bowl Sunday... that seems like forever ago!
After walking for a bit, I started a slow jog. The first mile was actually a piece of cake. I was parked right in front of the TV that was showing ESPN... and they were talkin' "Baylor Basketball!" Whoo Hoo!
That pumped me up... I kept increasing the speed as the miles were reached. After 3, I was feeling pretty good. "Should I take a break for water?" Nah... I just kept going. By 4 I was cooking with gas. After 5, I was doing great!
Maybe it was the sensation of knowing my team pulled out a great upset and I could take part in that by running/watching the highlights (and all of the talk!). Maybe it was my first trip back to the gym. Or maybe it was the fact that 5 miles is becoming more and more like 3 miles to me... a nice, manageable run...
But whatever the case, I feel great tonight! I burned over 850 calories, ran 5 miles, walked almost another mile, and I'm ready for my next run!
Heck... maybe my Bears will keep on rollin' and beat UT tomorrow night in the Semi-Finals? Just THINK what it'll be like when I'm running my 4!
(That's just crazy-talk!)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
It's Starting to get Tougher...
"Wow... you look so thin!"
"Holy cow! You've lost more weight!"
Maybe that's what a sunburn can do to a person - make them look a tad thinner.
Sunday's run was great... it was good to be outdoors, it was good to stretch the legs at The Lake, and it was good to push myself to see what 7 miles would be like.
7 miles... lapping the 9-mile lake... while that still seems a bit foreign to me, it feels oddly good... and familiar.
In to 2007, I ran and ran and ran. For those that remember, I would get up during the summer at 4:30 to be at the lake at 5:30 to run it. Most of the time, it was for crazy distances like 13, 14, or 15 miles.
Since then, I haven't pushed myself to achieve such a mark. And Sunday, I did just that. It's a great feeling... getting around that body of water like that. It's crazy at times to be on the other side of the lake and know that you are parked "over there" and you've got to get back to that point...
Which brings me to this: It's starting to get a lot tougher.
Typically, the weeks have called for going up 10%. That has always been an increase in 1 mile per week. However, it has now changed to 2 miles. That's a big difference... and it makes me wonder, "Am I ready for this?"
Tonight I had to run 3 miles. No biggee, right? Well... it's nutty to me, but I am running a lot faster than I did 2 years ago. 3 miles was a piece of cake. I ran it in exactly 30 minutes. That's a 10-minute pace. I didn't do that when I was 29 and running the marathon! I'm now approaching 39 and I'm stronger/faster! Where is all of this strength/energy coming from???
And what was even crazier tonight was the rainstorm - I actually ran in rain! Living in North Texas, we haven't had rain in a long time... it felt great!
However... tomorrow night I have a 5-mile run. And after that, I have a 4-miler. By the end of the week, I will have run 22 miles.
So am I losing weight? Maybe I need to get on the scale... but yes, I'm pretty sure I am. The program now has me running 5 days out of the week. And given that I'm continuing to add 2 more miles at this point, that only leads to more pounds being lost to the increased burned calories.
It's all about being on a program... and sticking to it. Only time will tell... but I can honestly say I'm enjoying the results regardless of the added miles/pain/etc. Maybe that's my message to each of you as you strive for your own personal goals this year. "Hang in there and try and push yourselves!"
When I was in college, I was introduced to a quote that I have never forgotten:
"If it doesn't kill me, it will only make me stronger."
I hope that is inspirational to each of you, no matter what you are striving for in life. Good luck with your goal(s)!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Spring Has Sprung!
If you're like me, it kills you to see Mother Nature doing her thing and you're left to look at it through a window.
People need to get out... enjoy the warm temperatures... observe the emergence of Spring! We shouldn't be indoors on days like today... we need re-energize!
When I was a kid, I loved being outdoors. I grew up in a house situated on a creek. I loved it - catching fish and frogs, building forts, and doing whatever I could to get my clothes really dirty. I played soccer all of the time, as well as football with my friends, in yards and parks and empty fields. I was NOT one of those kids that stayed inside playing video games... there was just too much to do outdoors!
But life is not about being a kid forever. We grow up... and we work indoors. Taking the train in to work each day, I often look out at the trees as they begin to grow new leaves. There are flowers popping out everywhere, and the air isn't as frigid. Spring is just around the corner!
I say all of this because I want to encourage each of you to take advantage of this "extra hour" we have received. With the new light added to our days, go outside... walk around the block. Go to a park, ride a bike, walk the dogs, jog on a trail... whatever! Be a kid again!
Today was fantastic. I'm fortunate to live in a city with a vibrant park that is just "bursting" with Spring! Chandra and I met up at White Rock Lake to run 7 miles. The lake is about 9-miles around, and there is a great path/road/byway that circles it.
If you live here, you have GOT to go check out "The Lake." Take the kids and bring some bread - there are tons of ducks waiting to be fed all around the lake. Do you like dogs? They have a dog park... or you can walk yours around the miles of paths. When you go, you'll see that people are fishing, running, walking, biking, roller blading, and even laying around the park areas.
How about flowers - do you like to see a wide variety of blooming trees, bushes, and other plants? Right now, The Lake is just exploding with color! In fact, Dallas Blooms opened this weekend... and guess what? It's located at the Dallas Arboretum... which is at White Rock Lake! It's a great place to walk around, take pictures, and just enjoy the colors of Spring. Not to mention the 450,000 tulips!
OK, back to the run. Well, we got our miles in... we lapped the entire lake! It was a lot of fun, the weather was perfect, and I've got the first sunburn of the season to prove it! It was just awesome to get out...
Now, for each of you, you're homework assignment is to do the same - GO OUTDOORS and enjoy the season of Spring. Don't miss this opportunity!
Just think... you won't have another one for an entire year!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
A Technical Meltdown...
As long as I have been running, I have depended on some sort of "technology" to track what I'm doing.
I remember back in 1999... ah... good times... when I would set off from my apartment with nothing more than my trusty Timex and run for a certain number of minutes. I figured I was running at least a 10-minute pace... Everyone does, right? So I'd run for 50 minutes and call that 5-miles.
It turned out to be inaccurate... quite a bit, actually! I discovered this when I decided to actually get behind the wheel and drive the route I was running. I was off by almost a mile! Sheesh!
Treadmills are great to track the miles. It's all right there in front of you: Distance, speed, elevation... However, as most runners know, you can get in such a rhythm that you can actually run longer than is needed for a certain period of time.
Explanation: When a person runs outdoors, their speed fluctuates like a car. When you're going uphill, you go slower... when you go downhill, you travel much faster. So, your average speed increases/decreases. If I'm running at a 10:30 pace and suddenly I find a downhill, well "heck yeah" I'm going to open it up to speed up the long run.
Which brings me to last night. My "technology" that I love when running is my Garmin Forerunner 205 GPS. It tracks my miles, time, pace, etc. When I come home, I simply synch it with my computer and it displays all of the gorgeous data in the geek-speak that I like to see. Plus, it draws a map of where I just ran.
There are newer versions out there that will display it on Google Maps, too. They even start synching to your computer as you enter the house - so you just walk to your laptop and can see what the results were without even doing anything. Very cool! I've thought about getting a new one... one that tracks my heartbeat, too. However, it's just been a "thought."
Until now...
Last night as I was 1-mile into my 4-mile run, I noticed the "low battery" indicator come on. It's done that before, but typically when my run was almost over. I figured, "Ok... maybe it'll hold out until the end." Nope. Wrong. It died shortly thereafter.
So now I'm out in my neighborhood without ANY technology to track my run. I don't have a watch. I don't have the benefit of even "driving" beforehand... all I have is the knowledge of what 3-miles were prior to this run.
Therefore, I ran... and ran and ran. It wasn't a problem, but after I figured I had run 3-miles, I was in no-man's land. I basically had to guess my way to the finish. It's an odd feeling... just running without knowledge. Almost running without a purpose...
But, I finished. I figured it was time to stop because I was really tired and my mouth was really dry (I usually try and drink after 3 miles). I have since made sure the GPS is fully charged for my next run...
But I may be buying new technology in the near future!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Some days I just hate people...
It started to hit me Sunday night. I was out with my friends, having a few pints, when it came time to pay the tab. As I opened my wallet, I was shocked to see my credit card was missing.
Like others, I have a "backup" card that I use typically for large purchases. Sure enough, that card was missing as well. I had actually used both cards that weekend, one as recent as the day before. Where could they be? Surely they are at my house... right?
Well, when I returned home and discovered they were nowhere to be found, I decided to login to my credit card to see if I was missing anything (like a place I had used them last). I then noticed a $1 charge to Exxon. Knowing that I haven't been to an Exxon in years, and that the $1 charge is just the approval amount before the rest of it hits the following day, I immediately called and canceled the card.
I then called my other credit card... and found out the worst. That card was used earlier in the day at Lowes. Someone spent over $4,000.00 on my damn card! How in the hell (excuse me... but I'm still a bit angry!) can Lowes not check for ID on a purchase like that? Well, cancel cancel cancel was all I could do.
I later discovered that my Home Depot and Best Buy cards were also missing. I canceled those, and found out they weren't hit... yet. Geez louise!
So, how did this happen?
When I go to the gym, I typically leave my wallet in my truck (not in plain sight) and lock it up. So on Sunday afternoon, it was out of my possession and in my truck. Worse, when I got home, I left it in the truck by mistake... Now, given that I've been known to forget to lock my truck, I'm certain that McBurglar either stole it while I was at the gym or when I was at my house. So... one of those places, I was stupid. Very very stupid.
Speaking of stupid... they weren't. They didn't steal the whole wallet. They only took my cards. Had they taken the wallet, I would have known immediately. Thankfully they missed my AMEX card (corporate) and ID (hidden behind my DART pass).
But you have to think, "What causes someone to get to that point in their life where they think they can steal and believe it's OK?" So they bought $53 worth of gas and over $4k at Lowes. Not a teenager... so it's someone like me. Someone like us. OK... not like us. Someone who is freakin' warped in the head and needs to feel the full wrath of the law.
When I get the affidavit from the credit card companies, I hope I provide them with enough info to find the perps and make them pay. Literally!
Therefore, that's why I haven't had the chance to write lengthy dissertations regarding my 3-mile or 6-mile runs over the weekend. They were actually good runs... and on Sunday I spent 80 minutes running/walking and burning 1010 calories.
However, you just found that out because I've been a bit busy... unfortunately.