However, today was a big hurdle. You see, I knew I would be making my longest walk since the surgery. Not only do I have a good little bit from parking lot to train, but I also have a lengthy stride from the train to the office.
When I was about halfway to the office, a song came on my iPhone: Lucky Man, by Montgomery Gentry.
Hearing those lyrics, it just struck me: I’m so lucky… fortunate… blessed!
This has been an eye-opening year for me. Not only has it been the most difficult physically, but also mentally. I’ve been challenged in ways I never expected. I could probably speak on several “life lessons” that I experienced this year: Humility, Giving, Unconditional Love, Encouragement, Trust, Faith, Patience, Selflessness, etc.
While I wouldn’t wish this experience on anyone, I do believe I’ve come away a stronger person. I was strengthened by friends and family… from the littlest gestures to the grandest measures. Looking back, I’m glad I went through this. I truly feel that God used this to reach me, reach others, and to demonstrate His love for all. I guess you can say I experienced “The Glory of God during this trial in my life.”
So I wanted to share the lyrics to this song with everyone. I know not everyone is a Country fan, but maybe some of this will hit home to each of you…
The song begins with someone who isn’t happy… isn’t content… is complaining about his life. However, when he looks around… when he thinks about it… he really is a “Lucky Man.”
Enjoy… (boldness emphasized by me)
I have days where I hate my job,
This little town and the whole world too
And last sunday when my “Cowboys” lost
Lord it put me in a bad mood
I have moments when I curse the rain
Then complain when the suns too hot
I look around at what everyone has
And I forget about all I've got
But I know I’m a lucky man
Gods given me a pretty fair hand
Got a house and piece of land
A few dollars in a coffee can
My old trucks still runnin' good
My tickers tickin like they say it should
I've got supper in the oven
A good woman's lovin
And one more day to be my little kids dad
Lord knows I'm a lucky man
Got some friends that would be here fast
I could call em any time of day
Got a brother who's got my back
Got a momma who I swears a saint
Got a brand new rod and reel
Got a full week off this year
Dad had a close call last spring
It's a miracle he's still here
My old trucks still runnin' good
My tickers tickin like they say it should
I got supper in the oven
A good womans lovin'
And even my bad days aint that bad
Yeah I'm a lucky man
I'm a lucky, lucky man
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