Not a lot to report from my day: Ate breakfast and lunch at my parent's house, watched a little of the Texas-Baylor game with Joel (he said he'd keep his mouth shut... which he did, though he was struggling), and I packed up all of my stuff. Oh yeah, m parents also picked up my truck from the dealership - $450 of work done to it.
I drove over here - first time since Tuesday - and it felt great. Weird... but great. No problems with the leggo. I really haven't had the issues that I did before - just the fogginess from the drugs.
I'm still taking the hydrochodone... as much as I don't want to take it, I guess my body still requires it. I've taken 2 today... and I can see how people would get hooked on these. It's like a blast to the system - there is a definite "buzz" to taking it, if not a little more. However, they seem to do the job - the aches and pain subside.
After we unpacked, my Mom gave me a much-needed haircut. It's been almost 2 months, and I was getting pretty shaggy.
Before she left, I thanked her again for everything. I know... she's my Mom and this is what parents do... but it really means a lot to know I have someone who can take care of me, especially with everything I've been through this year.
I took my 2nd shower of the week today, too. Well, not really the week... 2nd since the surgery. This meant I brought out the shower chair again. I actually kind of liked that... over some other things. I think some of you may have gathered that I really didn't enjoy the "trash bag" reunion I had yesterday.
Therefore, I got to thinking... I just have to cover up the knee, not the entire leg like before (brace). Then it hit me - how about trying some Saran Wrap! Well, I'm here to say that it was a resounding success. So, if you know of anyone that needs to cover up something while showering, have them try the wrap. I still had to use a little duct tape, but it wasn't nearly as bad as what I've been through in the past.
Oh, I got on the scale - I've dropped 5 lbs. since Tuesday. That's just less I'll be dragging around when I start to work out with this knee!
Beyond all of that, it's been a lot of icing the knee and watching TV. I caught up on shows I had recorded, and tonight I watched "Battlestar Galactica - The Plan." For those that are fans, I'll say this - it's good. However, if you watch it on DVD you'll know why I say, "I'm pretty sure they're going to cut out several scenes before they show it on TV."
Overall, a pretty good day. Looking forward to my own bed tonight...
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