One song that I downloaded was one from 3 Doors Down called, "It's Not My Time." Not only is it a rockin' song, but it meant something to me.
When you make a goal, whether large or small, there is always a temptation to "give up." Now, put yourself in a runner's mind: When you're pushing hard on a long run, it would be easy to either hit STOP on the treadmill or to cut your run short.
This song inspired me to not give up. I remember it fondly when I was running in a crazy windstorm - I didn't stop, quit, or give in to the "sandblasting" I was receiving.
Well, after my accident, I wasn't really in the mood to listen to my running songs. I actually just kept the iPod on my desk. Why bother? All of the songs were for a different purpose.
Once I started back to work, I realized I had my own "mini-marathon" each day. Being on crutches ain't no picnic. Imagine "crutcheting" in the June/July heat of Texas... and having to stop multiple times before reaching your destination (just to catch your breath!). I needed inspiration...
Yep, you guessed it... I pulled out the iPod. My running songs took on a whole new meaning. Now they were helping me cross a street, go up steps, or catch a dinging train!
One day, "It's Not My Time" came on... and the original meaning changed completely. It now hit me that I've been through a lot. A helluva lot! I went from the high of about to run my fastest time at a Half Marathon, to the low of trying to stand a day after the surgery... and struggling just to make my leg move 6 inches.
Some of you saw me struggling with my walker. Those were difficult days. But, it didn't break me. I graduated to crutches, walking without crutches, and eventually without the brace. I've worked hard to increase my movement and "bend," although stairs still are a major burden.
But through it all, I'm making it. I'm not giving up. This isn't going to kill me... it's making me stronger (in more ways than one!)
And this song means a lot to me... it's not my time to give up. It's not my time to quit or sit... I have more to do, more to accomplish, and more to achieve in my life than what this "setback" has done this year.
In two days, my little "helpers" are coming out. I'm interested to see what life will be like post-wire. I believe it will be better... because, if you think about it, it's about to be "MY TIME" to get going on the next stages of my life!
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