My session started at 11, but I had to arrive 30 minutes early due to paperwork. While I was filling it out, Dr. Ramsey called me with the results of my MRI - the tear in my medial meniscus.
He said, "So we can either start PT and then work our way up to surgery... or do surgery and then PT. Either way, you'll need therapy after the surgery."
I said, "Well, I'm actually at the center right now about to go through my first session." His response was positive - which means, I think he wanted me to have therapy first.
I'm not sure if this will always be the case, but Kendra was my therapist. She seems to be running the show - the rest of them in the room always talked with her about what was going on with their patients.
She was very thorough in her questions - asking me everything from the accident to what I've been experiencing to what my goals are. Simply put, I want the pain to go away. I also want to walk up and down a flight of stairs with strength and control... and I'd like for my endurance to be lengthened. Going from someone who used to run to someone who has trouble walking a block, that's frustrating.
We also talked about something that I never understood until now: my leg collapsing. You see, there are times I'll just be walking along or standing and it just gives out. Do you have any idea the panic that happens when you're about to fall? That's been my experience.
Kendra told me it's due to muscle loss, and that she could help me with that. We also figured it happens more at the end of the day, when the leg is fatigued.
The first thing she did was to measure my mobility - she moved both legs around to compare. Then she wanted to see what she had to work with in terms of the knee - she felt all around that bone... which led her to ask again, "So how did this happen?" (I think it's pretty shocking for someone when they feel it for the first time)
You see, I've learned that people tend to laugh/make fun of me because of how it happened. Therefore, I keep the story very succinct: I fell down at a marathon and hit my knee on the pavement.
Well, that wasn't enough for her... and so I decided to tell her the real story... which caused her to grimace. At least now I know I'm working with someone who won't make jokes.
The rest of the hour was spent doing stretches (hamstring), flexing my quadricep muscle for 5 seconds/resting 3 seconds... for 5 minutes, leg lifts, knee bends (breaking through the scar tissue), and biking - 8 minutes without resistance.
Biking: I can go about 6 minutes before the knee gets upset. My doctor said to keep it less than 70 RPM. Well, I can only go about 40. For those that bike, I just want you to understand where I am...
It was truly an eye-opening experience. My leg is extremely weak... weaker than it should be at this point, according to Kendra. She said I have quite a ways to go, but that she thinks she can help alleviate the pain.
One of my exercises is called "clam shells." I lie on my side and bend my legs together... then open the top one up like a clam shell. It's supposed to strengthen the hip muscles, which take pressure off the knees. I do that for 30 times each leg... with a goal of doing 90 with each.
So when it was all over, I was worn out. I thought to myself, "I was told that the first day wasn't going to be that strenuous." Makes me worry about what is to come...
Kendra gave me homework... would you believe I'm to do everything I did in that first session TWICE a day? Well, I was so sore Friday night that I skipped it and just put ice on the knee.
Yesterday I went through both sessions, and today I've already been through one.
One final note: I told her that my father goes to her clinic, and she goes, "Who is your father?" I said, "Joel" and she goes, "REALLY? I LOVE Joel!!!" Then she went on to say how determined he is and that he's a good patient to work with.
Then she goes, "You must look like your mom because you look NOTHING like him." I said, "Well, he's my stepdad" and she laughed.
My next visit is Tuesday afternoon. Not sure how often I'll go through therapy, but so far it is a good start on this journey of recovery.
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