If you've never had one, it's a much different experience from a regular X-RAY.
Last night it hit me - I've never had an MRI. Meaning, whatever damage the knee took from the smack on the pavement could take on a whole new perspective.
Or not.
Going into it, I'll say this: The "pessimistic" side of me thinks that this whole pain is just "my new life with a bum knee." So if they don't find anything, so be it.
They told me to show up at 2 for a 2:30 appointment... that way I would have the time to fill out all of the paperwork. One of the forms went through "great detail" to find out if you have anything "foreign" in your body.
"Uh... yeah... I've got a drill bit." Ha!
So I was guided into the room by someone I will just call "Chatty Cathy" who had a zillion questions ("What happened? Where does it hurt? etc. - we all know how much I like answering tons of questions) and instructions about what I'm to do and not to do... and then I saw what looked like a large waffle maker (See picture).
She then told me it would be loud, boring... and probably last about 45 minutes. "Seriously?" I thought it was "stick the leg in, snap a pic, and head on out." Now I know why the cost was $450. Hello Insurance!
The rule was simple: Don't move when it's noisy.
Well, I got up on the table and she put all of this "stuff" around my knee. Then, she slid me underneath the "griddle" and reminded me again, "Don't move."
So for the first 5 or so minutes, it was crazy. Loud noises. Noises that weren't regular... it was like buzzers and beeps and "machine gun fire." Crazy! I was like, "I thought she said some people sleep during this? Nobody could sleep through this bombardment!"
I then realized the knee was under direct assault... literally! I could feel it getting hot... like something was burning on it. But even nuttier were my muscles started flickering! They were going into little "spasms."
Great... so much for not moving!
Then it hit me - have you ever seen that movie "The Right Stuff?" There is a scene where they are put into this capsule for hours and they fire off all of these tests - loud noises, sirens, lights, etc. That's what it felt like!
After another 10 minutes, things got a little more "rhythmic." So much so that I decided to close my eyes... then I felt myself drift... and then I woke myself up with a "snort." (Yes, I snore!)
Not that I'm embarrassed by that... I mean, who really could hear me over all of that racket going on! So I finally decided to embrace it and off to slumberland I went...
I would sleep for about 10 or so minutes at a time, then the noises would stop and I'd wake up. Once they started up again, I drifted off... and the leg would just fire off more and more spasms.
Oh, and it wasn't just the noises but the vibrations... I think that also contributed to the sleepiness.
Finally, it seemed to be making the same noises it did at the beginning... so I figured this joy ride was about to end. Sure enough, it stops and she bursts through the door with a loud, "YOU'RE ALL DONE!"
Scared the crap out of me!
She then said, "Well, that drill bit made for quite a show! I think he'll be able to see what he needs, but it definitely caused problems with the pictures." Hmm...
Once I got off the table, the knee and most of my leg muscles were numb... it was the strangest sensation. I could barely stand up! Took about 10 minutes and everything woke up...
I then took my CD to the doctor (he's around the corner) and dropped it off with his receptionist.
So here is where we stand: He will receive a report tomorrow from the MRI group. Once he reviews that and my CD, he'll give me a call. I might here something by Friday... just my guess.
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