When I was growing up, I gave my folks fits! For some reason, I had a motor that was always on the go... and it usually got me into trouble.
Here is a rundown of some of the things I did...
The earliest recollection I have of an injury was something my parents have told me. When I was 3 or 4, I was seeing the Pediatrician. He was giving me a physical and asked, "When did Regan break his collar bone?" Apparently I did something, broke it, but never reported it to the parents. All I remember was falling down a lot... ha!
One time, when my parents had their insurance agent over, I decided this was the best time to climb up to the top of my closet and get something. Well, I slipped... and came smack down on a Tonka Fire Engine... actually, the ladder... it went through my lip. Stitches. I was 4 or 5.
Around that same time I busted my chin open. Well, I guess I hadn't had enough excitement, because while the stitches were in... I busted it wide open again trying to brush my teeth on a wet counter. My mom walked into the ER to see me sitting on a table with the baby fat hanging down through the hole in my chin.
One time I was competing with other kids on who could make the longest skid mark with their bike. I revved that sucker up... and plowed into the back of a pickup. I think I was 6.
When I was 10 or 11, I was at the next door neighbor's house and she decided to tickle me... and yours truly bonked his head on the glass table in their dining room. Stitches. Well, the next day we were leaving on a big family road trip to Destin, FL. We set out across Texas towards Louisiana. My parents decided this was the best time to let us get pics next to each State Line. I hopped out of the car... went racing for the sign... and tripped over a rock. Ironically enough, I busted my left knee... and had to get stitches! Geez Louise!
How about when I'm a little older... 11th grade. I'm working for a Hallmark store. Safe, right? I was working during the school year to save up money to buy lawn equipment. Well, they had me change the A/C filter. Although, this was located in the ceiling. I climb up a ladder... and while I'm balancing on the top step, something happened. Either I ran my finger up the metal side of the housing, or that piece fell and caught me just right... but whatever the case, I damn near lost the tip of my middle finger. More stitches... and a deformity I have to this day.
Which brings me to the scar above... I guess it's just another sign of "life," huh? Well, it came to mind recently when I heard this:
"Scars remind us where we've been. They don't have to dictate where we're going."
Tonight I spoke with my grandmother who seemed surprised that I'm not in the dumps or focusing on the negative. I told her this: I don't want this to define me. I don't want my life to just "stop" because this event happened in my life.
Life is for the living... if you've followed this blog, you know that has been something I've preached. Take advantage of the opportunity you have to do what God has granted to each of us each day: LIVE!
Don't focus on the past... don't dwell on the scars. DO something with your life... because, believe me, you never know what may happen tomorrow!
Saturday is going to be a big day for me. I'm walking into my gym for the first time since April. I'm going to try... try to ride a bike, get on the treadmill, lift my leg using weights. It's going to be painful. I know that for a fact. But, there's no gain without pain, right???
So while my body may have numerous scars, I'm pressing on. I've got to get this leg strengthened... not just to run, but to walk without pain or unsteadiness. I've got a whole life before me!
"What lies behind us,
And what lies before us,
Are tiny matters,
Compared to what lies within us."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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