Saturday, December 26, 2009


Around this time every year, there is usually a review of the celebrities that we lost over the last twelve months. Most of the time, sadly, I usually already know most of them. I'm a "news junkie," so I probably have either read an article in my local paper or seen it via some other media source.

And, as gruesome as this sounds, I am always intrigued by the celebrity death. Not because I'm morbid (although it sounds like I am with a blog like this!), but because I'm interested in their accomplishments.

Because of this, I also tend to attract "Newsies," A.K.A other interested friends who know of my fascination of the dearly departed. They do their best to inform me when a celebrity passes.

So, with all of that said, I give each of you two items of interest (to me)...

In 2009, here is a slideshow of the celebrities we lost: Link

And, here is an even "bigger" list: "Curtain Calls" of the Decade. This one starts with 2009, and goes all the way back to 2000: Link

NOTE: For those of you that lost a friend, a loved one, or an acquaintance... I mean no disrespect. I, of all people, truly know what it's like to lose someone... and from a personal standpoint, I lost several people who I was very close to over the past 10 years.

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