For those that have a weak constitution, you might as well load up another web page and surf this blog another day...
I decided to post a picture of the scar. Why? Well, for one, I'm tired of people asking me about it... or the knee... or anything else about it but DON'T want to see it. Why ask if you don't want to see it? I have to see it everyday... so why not join the party?
Another reason I figured everyone could take it is because my two nephews handled it quite well this week. In fact, they were pretty impressed by it! Although, I think the youngest believes that scar happened when I hit the curb... not due to the surgery to fix the kneecap. Oh well... maybe he'll stay away from curbs!
So, let me explain a few things about it.
First, it's a long scar. Notice how far up it begins from the top of the knee? That's basically because my upper kneecap was located right there. If you think that's gross, then you should have witnessed it in person. If you think THAT'S gross, then you should have been the one whose kneecap was sitting north of where it should be!
As I've told people, the scar is very straight until it gets to where the kneecap needed to be joined. Then it gets a little hairy - there are a few "zig-zags."
The whole knee is still fairly swollen and sore in some places. There is still nerve damage on certain spots, and I have that one area where I can see a definite wire protruding upward (it's on the left side at the top of the knee).
Finally, there is some scabbing. My nephews thought that was "infection," but my Mom explained that it is a good thing. That scab is about half of what it was a week ago, so hopefully it'll be gone soon.
Overall, it's extremely weak. Notice how skinny my legs are. Want to know something about atrophy? It hurts! Muscles that are diminishing tend to ache.
I'm moving around a little bit better each week, though. My mom asked me yesterday what my pain level was, and I told her it depends. On days I go into work, it's very sore that night and the next day. Probably about a 5 if you want to know the real truth.
Yesterday I was on it a bit too much... and given that I went into work on Friday, I had it elevated and iced last night... and before I went to bed, I succumbed to a Hydrochodone pill. That was very unusual, but I figured it was the only thing I could do to get rid of the pain so I could sleep.
Today, I've stayed mostly on this couch. Not a bad trade-off when it's approaching 100 degrees outside!
Anyway, that's a brief update. It's getting better, as you can see, and I'm still moving around... it's all about Independence, and I'm thankful for that!
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