My day began at 6:45 AM. My parents wanted to leave at 8:00 AM, so I was "up and at em."
Once they dropped me off, I went ahead and took a shower. This was followed by a very good nap!
Kevin showed up around 12:30 PM and brought me my favorite burrito: Freebird's! (Note to self: You can order online!)
After lunch, Brian showed up to help Kevin move my entertainment center. You see, Kevin's purpose was to install my new outdoor speakers (pictured) on my patio.
It was good to see Brian. It was the first time he had seen me with the brace on, as well as moving around on a walker. He and his wife Sarah had made me my first meal out of the hospital - Lasagna dinner. Yum!
After Brian left, Kevin proceeded to do "professionally install" the speakers. Now if you're ever in need of someone with incredible audio technical experience, Kevin is the man to call. He mounted those speakers, wired them through the attic-down the wall-into the receiver, and got my interior sound working perfectly... all while sweating as much as I do when running!
It is amazing... to be able to listen to radio, CDs, Sirius-XM Satelite Radio, or even a TV show outside is going to be incredible. I told him he just made my "summer therapy" much more bearable. To explain, one of my favorite joys in life is sitting on my patio... drinking my favorite frosty beverage... and admiring my yard. (If you saw my backyard, you'd fully understand...)
Knowing that I'll be going through a lot of physical therapy, I figured I will need a place to "recover." I can't think of a better place...
Speaking of "place," I think I did fairly well by myself last night. I ordered a pizza, watched some shows, and went to bed around 11:30.
The one big difference is you don't have anyone to help you when you're by yourself. You also have to be extremely efficient. "OK... I need to get a drink of water. Is there anything else I need to bring back on this trip?"
Do you want to know the most exciting point of my evening? It was getting to sleep in my own bed! The last time I slept in my own bed was April 24... that seems like a thousand years ago. Since then, I've slept on a hotel bed, a guest bed, a hospital bed, and a couch...
I was thrilled to be able to get up onto my bed last night! Not only was it comfortable... but it meant that I am that much closer to being able to go home!
I awoke this morning at 10:00 AM... not because I was ready to get up, but because I did something extremely painful. I've done this before... for some odd reason, I have a strange habit of stretching right before I really wake up. I didn't know I did this until it happened several times since the surgery.
Well, stretching isn't really the right thing to do when you have all of this hardware. I think what is actually happening is my quadricep is pulling on my kneecap... and all of that metal. Zow-wee does that hurt! Ha!
I made some coffee and polished off the rest of that pizza (breakfast of champions), then took a shower (Whoo Hoo - 2nd shower in as many days!). I then relaxed on the couch and waited for the folks to pick me up.
All in all, I think I did a pretty good job. My leg was aching pretty good for most of yesterday, and it did take me a long time to go to sleep... but overall, I'm very happy I was able to "mostly" take care of myself.
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