Lying in that ambulance, I slowly realized my running days for 2009 were over. I guess that tends to sink in when your knee is disjointed and swollen and you're on your way to the hospital.
I also think I've had that expression for most of the week. I went from "running a Half marathon" to "struggling to walk to the bathroom" in a span of 1 week.
When I awoke this morning, I looked at the clock. It was about 9:30, and my mom was already coming in to attend to me. I said, "Wow... 1 week and 3 hours ago, this whole saga began."
On Sunday, I was in the ER and being pumped with Demerol, antibiotics, and a Tetanus shot. I was depending on my friends to help pack up my hotel room, pick up my prescription, get my food, and drive me back to Dallas. Even with all of that help, it still hadn't sunk in that this was much more serious than I realized.
On Monday, I was seeing an Orthopedic Surgeon, scheduling a surgery for Wednesday, having more X-Rays and tests performed, and making arrangements to have things taken care of while I would be in the hospital.
On Tuesday, I remember spending most of the morning either on the phone with friends and coworkers, answering emails, and trying to get ready for the next day's events. Chandra and I went to Target, and I got to ride my first "cart" while shopping.
On Wednesday, I awoke an hour earlier than expected due to my nerves. I remember getting prepped for surgery, going into surgery, and the haziness of coming out of surgery. I had a roller coaster of a day in regards to brain function... and that night would be a wilder ride as I tried to sleep.
On Thursday, it was just one bad painful day. My first Physical Therapy session was difficult, I felt loopy and sore throughout the day, and it was decided I wasn't ready to check out just yet. I remember a lot of people coming in that day, too. Not sure I remember who or why... but just remember the crowds.
On Friday, I checked out. I was SO ready. You know, people say they're ready but believe me... I WAS READY! I had my first shower in a week, and when I got home I think it hit my folks just how difficult it was going to be for them. Laura came over and helped a lot, and I'm thankful for that.
Saturday was a lot better. I was still sore, but it was good to have a plan of getting up every other hour and moving around. Laura and Britt came over for a visit, which was a nice break for my mom. There were some tremendous storms, and I enjoyed watching the Derby with my folks in the living room.
Today - well, I went home today. Temporarily. I wanted to go home to get a few things. In the process, my mom and I cut my hair (I think some of you will be shocked), I showered again, and sat in my living room for about half an hour in my own chair. It sure was nice... but we had to come back.
I was worn out after that, but my friend Mel came for a quick little visit and it was nice to spend time with her... and give my mom another break. After she left, I crashed! One thing I'm taking full advantage of are the naps... and I take plenty of those!
Tonight the pain is pretty intense. Just riding that wave and hoping it'll start to disipate in the near future. Keep up the emails when you want to communicate with me, or just read the blog for updates.
Hopefully I'll be a lot further along one week from today!
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