I've seen it in the front yard... back yard... side yard. I deduced that it must like my yard because of the lack of predators (cats and dogs), I feed the birds (birdseed droppings), and I have St. Augustin grass.
It even inspired me to buy carrots from the grocery store at times... yeah, it was my pet.
(Notice I'm using the past tense)
Well, Saturday morning I awoke to see the bloody carcass out in front of my house in the center of the road. Yep, some "speed demon" hit it that morning.
My hunch is that the same driver that seems to "floor it" each morning around 5:30 scared it enough that it darted out in front. Poor little guy. Or girl.
Well, this is where I come out and say, "NOTE TO SELF." If you ever see something like that and know that you're the one that will have to deal with it, don't delay. Do it right then. Especially if it's in one piece.
Unfortunately, I didn't know that beforehand. It was 8:30... I was still groggy... hadn't had my coffee yet. So, I decided to wait at least an hour until I was "good and ready."
Around 10, I went outside with my shovel only to see it had been run over "multiple" times. It was now in at least 4 pieces. And what was left was absolutely disgusting... EVERYTHING that was inside was outside and exposed and oozing and smelling quite pungent.
So on one of our windiest days, I'm fighting a trash bag and trying to pick up the bloody remains while holding back the dry heaves that are erupting due to my constant gagging! What a sight to behold...
Let's just say that it wasn't just the "rabbit" that left something on that pavement.
Well, eventually I got it all into the bag... sealed, tied, and thrown into my dumpster. I then had to clean the mess off the shovel... nasty!
So why did I do all of this? Well, while it should have been done because nobody needs to see that... I also knew that I didn't want to warp the little 8-year old minds who live next door with the bloody images of the rabbit.
Especially since "The Easter Bunny" is just about to make his visit!
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