It's amazing to me to see where I am today compared to what I've been through. If you haven't seen me, or been around the craptapular days I have experienced, then maybe this isn't such a big deal to you.
But for me... WOW... all I can say is I am so glad to be done with those!
My last doctor visit, a few weeks ago, he said it was time to start "getting to the point" of putting the crutches in the corner. I was shocked... a little stunned... but also quite relieved.
Since then, I have pushed myself to the point of pain... yeah yeah... I'm sure some of you are rolling your eyes. However, I knew that "no pain, no gain" would help me in the long run. I needed to see what these legs really could do. Ever see Forrest Gump???
So I started walking without the crutches outside the house. Not just to the mailbox, but around the backyard... in the garage... anywhere that I felt somewhat safe.
Once I mastered that, I started sleeping without the brace. That was a bit unnerving, and I had a few moments where my leg moved in the bed and it woke me up. Yowzas!
Next, I started to see what life would be like with just the ACE bandage on. Yes... no brace. I walked around the house, and learned to lean certain ways and not others. It was a "trial by error" at times, but I kept on...
Finally, the ACE bandage is now removed. I'm living La Vida Loca without the bandage or the brace. Am I crazy or what? I can't tell you how "freeing" it is... to just allow your leg, in this sweltering heat, to just breathe on its own.
(Just to clarify, the brace is still a part of my body when I'm out and about... it's only off when I'm at home.)
So today was a major milestone. I left my crutches in my truck, and headed off to work.
I knew I could do it, as long as I kept it slow and steady. I walk very slowly... old ladies on walkers could pass me... but I'm moving and that's what is important. I took a nice 10 minute walk to the train, then another 10+ minute one from the train to the office.
All day, people kept saying, "Wow... look at you!" I walk a little better than a child taking their first steps... but not by much. I think I shocked people, but whatever... this was important to me.
So how am I feeling? Not bad... considering I had a lot of weight on the leg today, and I walked a lot of "distances" compared to what I've been doing around the house. I'm working again tomorrow in the office, then I know on Wednesday I'll need to take a break and work from home.
It's just all about pacing myself. And believe you me... I'm going at an easy pace!
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