Just three weeks ago, I was a coming down from the "Season of the Nog." Like many others, I enjoy eating a lot during the holidays. I'm not much of a "sweet" person, but I do have a crazy appetite for egg nog. Given that each glass is a few hundred calories, you can just imagine the shape I was in... especially given my appetite for other indulgences!
Before I left for the gym today, I was going through my usual routine. Lately it has started with V8/coffee, a bowl of Cheerios, some water, and a healthy amount of stretching. I realized this morning that I was taking a particularly "long" time in going through all of this. In fact, the TV was on and I actually watched an entire movie (I was reading the paper as well).
And then it hit me - I was one nervous runner!
It was like an athlete preparing for a big game. This was my "showtime." It was something I had been training for over the past 2 weeks. In fact, it was something that will happen again in another two weeks. Today was the day I jumped up an additional mile in my training. Specifically in "runner lingo," today was my Long Run: 4 miles.
So as I was stretching, an email hit my inbox. It was from Chandra... and she had just returned triumphantly from her morning workout. We are on the same schedule, and she was thrilled to have run 4 miles. She was pumped... but also made sure to encourage me that it wouldn't be too bad. Of course, Nervous Nelly here, I was hoping this wouldn't be a bad day for the Rawman.
I'm not sure if everyone does this, but I always have a plan... a "strategy," so to speak... when I go to the gym. I decided that today I would warmup on the Elliptical, then hit the treadmill, then go down and lift some weights, and finish up with the Crossramp.
After a half mile on the Elliptical, I meandered over to the treadmill. I set it for 59 minutes, and off I went. The first mile was a bit difficult... I'm having some problems with my left calf. After it warms up, it's fine... it's just takes the first 2 miles before it'll start to behave.
Well, after the pain went away, I was off to the races. Mile 3 wasn't that bad, though I realized my first towel was completely wet with sweat. As mile 4 came, I continued to increase the speed and finished the last few tenths of a mile at 6 mph (10 minute pace).
I did it... I ran 4 freakin' miles! I couldn't believe it...
No time to dwell, I still had 12 minutes of walking to complete. I spent the final 1/2 mile working on my elevation work - which, if you've tried it, burns your calves pretty dang good!
I worked out with the weights and then completed 2 miles on the Crossramp. As I was doing some stretching before I left, it hit me: Not only had I run 4 miles, but today was the first time I had burned over 1,000 calories (according to the machines). I'm sure they're not entirely accurate... but to know that I spent my time doing something "good" for myself instead of laying around all day only inspired me to want it more...
I can't wait to return to the gym!
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