Saturday, January 31, 2009

I've Had a Revelation...

So the other day I'm taking my usual DART train to work. However, this was a very "unusual" morning: The train was packed. For some crazy reason, DART had problems and only sent a 1-car train instead of the usual 2-car.

And wouldn't you know it, I was sitting next to "Chatty Cathy." Only, this was a dude.

He started off asking me what stop I would be departing the train from... which I promptly informed him because he was sitting on the aisle. He then started asking questions about the crowd, the train, and pretty much anything else he could think of. What a joyful ride I was about to embark upon...

(I'm not very talkative in the mornings...)

Fortunately, he struck up a conversation with a lady standing next to him in the aisle. Why he didn't offer her the seat, I haven't a clue... but they talked and talked and talked. I know all about both of his kids, her ex husband, and all about the state of Indiana - especially Indiana University. Good grief, I finally had to put my book up because I couldn't concentrate on it.

As frustrated as I was, the woman actually made a comment that caused to me think: "You gotta have at least one hobby. Life can't be all about work. Everyone needs a hobby to have something 'extra' in life."

Then I thought about it: Is running my hobby? Or, more specifically, "being physically active?" What exactly is a hobby?

Hobby: An activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.

Well, today at the gym, I thought about that definition a lot. Am I enjoying this? Am I engaging in something that makes me feel good? Is it fun/exciting/worthwhile/etc?


Today I pursued my hobby by running 3 miles on the treadmill, 1.5 miles on the Crossramp, and 2 miles on the elliptical. I worked out with weights, burned over 900 calories, and spent almost 2 hours at the gym.

It was fun. It was exciting. It was enjoyable.

This is my hobby...

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Big Day Tomorrow...

Tomorrow is January 30... which means, it has been 30 days that I have been trying to make healthier decisions for my life.

For one, I have been going to the gym at least 4 days each week for the past month. This was to focus on the "Exercise" portion of the old addage, "Diet and Exercise."

Regarding the diet, I have made a number of changes. First (wait for lightening), this may come as a shock to some of you, but I have not had a drop of alcohol during this time. Yes, it's true. The man with a kegerator has not consumed his favorite beverage since last year... uh... December 31.

I chose to do it for a number of reasons. For one, the alcohol really does a number on the body when you're trying to train for a Half Marathon. It's very dehydrating, and it makes for a difficult run the next day.

My other reason is a request from my Doctor. Yep... she wanted me to stop so she could get an accurate liver reading during my quarterly blood tests. Being one of the millions of people who take medication for high cholesterol, it typically raises the levels in your liver.

I've also been eating healthier. For example, today I went to lunch with Mel at Rockfish. We both ate fish, mixed veggies, and had a rice pilaf. Man oh man... I cleaned my plate. And the best thing was it gave me a lot of energy for the afternoon!

So I bring all of that up because tomorrow is Exam Day! I go see my Dr. in the morning. Won't she be surprised when she finds out what I've been doing? The loss of 10 pounds has done wonders so far - my blood pressure has normalized, my energy levels are up, I'm not huffing and puffing walking to and from my truck, and I just feel so much better overall.

Tonight I had to run 4. I'll be honest, it was very difficult. Chandra and I have come to the conclusion that weeknight runs are the worst, and I believe Thursday just tops them all! You're carrying the weight of the week on your shoulders, and it's hard to get up for it.

But I did it... pushed through and finished strong. I wanted to quit... I really did. Between miles 2 and 3 I thought I would just drop the speed down to an easy walk... but I couldn't. I had to do it... I wanted to have one good run in me before I met my Dr. in the morning!

I should have the results by Monday... and I've promised Chandra to make it until February 1st until the "no alcohol rule" is thrown out the window. Oh, I won't be boozing it up... I've come so far this month, and I have many more miles to go.

But believe you me, by the time kickoff happens at the Super Bowl, this guy will be enjoying his first beer of the new year... that sweet-sweet nectar of the Barley gods!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

5 Ways to Stick to Your Goal...

I have been following a "theme" this year: "Feelin' Fine in 09'!" So far, so good. I've worked hard to make changes in my life to "feel better." I knew it would encompass two biggies: Diet and Exercise... the gruesome twosome to just about everyone reading this blog!

As most of you know, I ran a heck of a lot in 2007 with the goal of running in the Chicago Marathon. Miles and miles I went... Along the way, I made choices to eat better and to stay healthier. It worked. I don't recall being sick that year, and I lost a bit of weight.

As the year went on, my running continued but my eating habits didn't adapt. My weight stagnated... it was still an accomplishment, but not exactly what I envisioned at the start of the year.

Having taken the year off (2008), I gained it all back. And then some... yikes!

This year, it's time to really make some changes! You see, I think we all can make simple changes in our lives that will make a difference.

For example, I know I need to increase my vegetable in-take. One way I do this is to drink a glass of V8 juice every morning. It's my first beverage of the day. I know the antioxidents in that glass are also helping me out. I also try to eat a serving of vegetables each day. It's tough... but it's better than NOT eating veggies!

How about juice? I know that cranberry juice is really good for you (antioxidents). I've been drinking a glass of Ocean Spray LITE (40 calories) each day when I return from work. It's very refreshing!

During these cold evenings, I drink several cups of hot tea. Do you ever read the fitness tips on the right of this blog? This is the latest: Daily consumption of tea will improve your overall health. Choose from the many varieties of tea- black, white, green, red, and herbal for the maximum benefit.

I'm also eating smaller portions. I've heard to try and eat about the size of your fist... so I've mentally tried to make that happen. Several of my friends have noticed... or that I've skipped certain sides (french fries). It's just part of the process.

There is a method to all of this madness. It's something I read in Runner's World: "5 Ways to Stick to Your Goal." (This could apply to any goal);
  1. Be Specific: "Run Faster" or "Lose Weight" can be too vague. Set measurable targets like "losing 5 lbs. in 2 weeks" or "10 lbs. by ___ date."
  2. ...But Realistic: Overzealous goals lead to frustration; easy ones are boring. Aim to cut five minutes off your marathn time instead of 20 - you'll stay motivated without setting yourself up for disappointment.
  3. Give Yourself a Deadline: The lack of a set end point will lead to procrastination. Pick a race, register for it, and put it on your calendar.
  4. Keep Track: On low-motivation days, review your training log to reaffirm your progress.
  5. Make it Public: Tell your friends and family exactly what you plan to do - you'll think twice about skimping on your training if it's not a secret.

So, how do you think I'm doing? I had a goal to lose 10 lbs. in 1 month and I'm very close - losing 9 lbs. so far. I am publicly sharing this information with each of you so that you'll keep me going (and accountable). And, I have registered (along with Chandra and Jason) for the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon. That is the picture above. We're running the half marathon on April 26... 13.1 miles. It should be challenging!

Thanks again for reading my blog, but my big hope is that each of you are setting personal goals for this year yourself! And remember, make it public!

Monday, January 26, 2009

"Yo Adrian!!!"

Mickey: Women weaken legs!

Mickey: You're gonna eat lightnin' and you're gonna crap thunder!

Have you ever seen the movie Rocky? It is a fantastic movie about someone who gets a chance to fulfill his life long goal of being the heavyweight champion of the world.

To all of us, it represents someone who accomplishes his dreams against insurmountable odds by changing the way he trained and fought... in essence, making incredible changes in his life to achieve his goals.

Sound familiar?

By far, my favorite scene in the movie is when the theme to Rocky, "Gonna Fly Now," comes on as he takes his last morning run before the fight. He's trained as much as he could, and he runs through the streets of Philadelphia (with kids in tow) to that awesome music. It culminates with him running up the steps of the Museum of Art and jumping up and down.

Well, the other night a song came across my radio: Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. Oh, what a great 80's song. It got me to thinking - "YOU NEED THAT SONG ON YOUR iPOD!" And not just that song, but the original theme to Rocky.

So I downloaded both of those songs as I felt they could really assist me during the toughest times of my training.

Yesterday, as I was coming into mile 4, I was starting to feel the effects of the run. The legs were getting sore, I could tell I was getting tired, and I needed to finish one more mile. Right then and there, I needed inspiration.

As if God heard my silent prayers, "Gonna Fly Now" came on... and I crapped thunder!

OK, just kidding... wanted to see if you were paying attention! But what really happened was my pace picked up, my spirits were lifted, and I turned on a sprint as I finished up that last mile!

Gonna fly now!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Today was a GOOD workout...

Saturdays are fun days for me. In fact, throw in Sundays as well. These are the days of the week I enjoy the most going to the gym.

On these days, I have less crowds to deal with when trying to work on certain machines. As most of you know, treadmills are very popular this time of year. Given the cold temperatures, most people would rather run indoors.

Today I spent almost 2 hours working out... and I didn't have to wait on anyone! Whoo Hoo!

I started out on the Crossramp. I went a mile on it, burning 150 calories and getting my heart rate up to 135. Then, it was time to head to the treadmill.

After a brief walk, I ran 3 miles then walked a half. My heart rate got up to 158 and I burned 600 calories. I was feeling great. The miles went well, too. After the first mile, I was able to speed it up each half mile... finishing strong in the end.

I headed over to the elliptical machine after that. Went 1 mile to loosen up the legs and joints - burning 100 calories and keeping my heart rate around 135.

Then, I went downstairs for some weights. I focused on arms today...

Finally, the day ended by going back upstairs and doing another mile (same results) on the crossramp. Leaving felt great... I had the freedom to workout everything I wanted to, and it was a total success.

Now I just have to focus on Sunday... which is a 4-mile day!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tonight Was ALL Kinds of Bad...

Sometimes you have good days... and sometimes you have bad days. Well, today was definitely a bad day!

It was good to have the past 2 days off from running. I think my body needed the rest - lots of soreness, and my joints have been aching. Oh the joys of running...

But tonight was "back to business." I needed to run 4 miles. I was a little nervous (of course), but I felt that if I kept it slow then things would be fine.

I should have known it was going to be bad when I was welcomed at the door by Captain Freakwad. If you're new to my blog, this is the guy that approached me about "working out" one night. He works at the gym, and man does he act like the biggest goober.

But I digress...

So after he greeted me and I basically just said "hey" and went on, I found an open treadmill. After a quick warmup (walking), I started the process.

The first mile was OK. I was a little sore, but I was taking it slow and I pushed on to mile 2. Things started to loosen up, and I felt pretty good... then mile 3 began.

Well, the chick that was running on the treadmill next to me left. Immediately someone hopped on... and I quickly "noticed" their prescence. Man oh man... if odors could kill, this guy would be a lethal weapon!

I'm not a big "fragrance" kind of dude. I don't wear cologne, and I never wear scented deodorant. Having said that, I will also admit that I'm keenly aware of perfumes and other pungent smells. So for me to describe this guy can only be described as someone who bathed in Old Spice prior to coming to the gym.

My gosh... and to make matters worse, he was wearing a sleeveless shirt! There was NO barrier between his pits and my nose! It was like running in a fog... or trying to gasp for breath and you're trapped in a gas chamber!

For the next mile, I battled... I thought, "Maybe if I run with my nose pointed to the left, I can catch some clean snorts of air. Nope... that wouldn't work... I think I was enveloped in his personal cloud of doom and death!

As I came up to the end of mile 3, I thought "maybe I'll just quit." I mean, seriously... I couldn't breathe! However, I knew that I had to run 4... that was on the schedule, and Chandra was doing the same thing.

Mile 4 was a blur. I think I was getting woozy. The more he ran, the more he perspired. Which meant the more crappy air coming out of his Old Spice factory. It was a brutal last mile. I literally would try and count, "Nine tenths... eight tenths... seven tenths remaining..."

And not only was I fighting Commander McSmell, but this was one of my toughest weeks at work. It's hard to explain, but I have a few weeks every few months where things are very intense. And this, my friends, was one of those weeks. I think the stresses, the lack of sleep, and the air I was breathing contributed to the difficulty of the night.

Mile 4 finally ended... and I can't tell you how excited I was. And wouldn't you know it? As soon as it was over, he had departed. I couldn't believe it...

I hope I never run next to that guy again. To borrow a line from the Simpsons: I should have just yelled out to him, "Smell you later!"

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The BIGGEST Loser...

As if I need another TV show to watch, I found one that I seem to relate to... it's called The Biggest Loser and it's on NBC on Tuesday nights.

I had seen it on for the past few years, but never gave it a shot. I just figured - "OK, so people are losing weight. Is that all?" Well, it's actually a lot more than that.

As one who is going through some personal goals, I'm identifying with their struggles and achievements. I think a lot of people just think, "Go work out and you'll lose the weight." However, it's a lot more than that.

This is a mental challenge... which is much more difficult than a physical one. The individual needs to have a personal "drive" that will get them to the gym on that cold morning or after that hard day at work. I'm speaking to all of us... if you're expecting to achieve your goals, you have to want it.

The contestants on this show deal with adversity - they face temptations just like the rest of us. You can see the wheels turning as they decide, "Do I really want to eat that?" It's the same thing in the reality of life - "Do I really want to eat that? Do I really want to skip this workout? What will the cost really be?"

In the end, after a week of making correct choices in their eating habits and working out in the gym, they must face the scale. The 2 that lost the least amount (percentage) of weight are faced with a vote by the other contestants. It's emotional for most, but they have to get down to "The Biggest Loser" at the end of the season.

And I guess that it hit me tonight - that's me. While I want to be "the biggest loser" in my own weight-loss goals, I want to be "the biggest winner" in everything else! I want to run 5 miles... 10 miles... I want to run that Half Marathon in April. I I have big dreams, as most of you know. I'm enjoying the process to making those dreams a reality, and that's a huge step. But I can't wait to see the results at the end of the year.

I say all of that because today I faced my own scale. After a week of working out, running, and eating better, I've lost another 2 lbs. So far, in 3 weeks, I've lost a total of 7 pounds.

I'm on my way.... I'm on my way....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

"This was a BIG day..."

If you would have told me three weeks ago that I would be running 4 miles without stopping on this date, I wouldn't have believed you. In fact, I might have just laughed in your face!

Just three weeks ago, I was a coming down from the "Season of the Nog." Like many others, I enjoy eating a lot during the holidays. I'm not much of a "sweet" person, but I do have a crazy appetite for egg nog. Given that each glass is a few hundred calories, you can just imagine the shape I was in... especially given my appetite for other indulgences!

Before I left for the gym today, I was going through my usual routine. Lately it has started with V8/coffee, a bowl of Cheerios, some water, and a healthy amount of stretching. I realized this morning that I was taking a particularly "long" time in going through all of this. In fact, the TV was on and I actually watched an entire movie (I was reading the paper as well).

And then it hit me - I was one nervous runner!

It was like an athlete preparing for a big game. This was my "showtime." It was something I had been training for over the past 2 weeks. In fact, it was something that will happen again in another two weeks. Today was the day I jumped up an additional mile in my training. Specifically in "runner lingo," today was my Long Run: 4 miles.

So as I was stretching, an email hit my inbox. It was from Chandra... and she had just returned triumphantly from her morning workout. We are on the same schedule, and she was thrilled to have run 4 miles. She was pumped... but also made sure to encourage me that it wouldn't be too bad. Of course, Nervous Nelly here, I was hoping this wouldn't be a bad day for the Rawman.

I'm not sure if everyone does this, but I always have a plan... a "strategy," so to speak... when I go to the gym. I decided that today I would warmup on the Elliptical, then hit the treadmill, then go down and lift some weights, and finish up with the Crossramp.

After a half mile on the Elliptical, I meandered over to the treadmill. I set it for 59 minutes, and off I went. The first mile was a bit difficult... I'm having some problems with my left calf. After it warms up, it's fine... it's just takes the first 2 miles before it'll start to behave.

Well, after the pain went away, I was off to the races. Mile 3 wasn't that bad, though I realized my first towel was completely wet with sweat. As mile 4 came, I continued to increase the speed and finished the last few tenths of a mile at 6 mph (10 minute pace).

I did it... I ran 4 freakin' miles! I couldn't believe it...

No time to dwell, I still had 12 minutes of walking to complete. I spent the final 1/2 mile working on my elevation work - which, if you've tried it, burns your calves pretty dang good!

I worked out with the weights and then completed 2 miles on the Crossramp. As I was doing some stretching before I left, it hit me: Not only had I run 4 miles, but today was the first time I had burned over 1,000 calories (according to the machines). I'm sure they're not entirely accurate... but to know that I spent my time doing something "good" for myself instead of laying around all day only inspired me to want it more...

I can't wait to return to the gym!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

What NOT to eat before running...

I love to cook.

For those that know me, I have a variety of specialties that I like to make every once in a while. It typically depends upon my mood... or what might strike me at a certain moment.

Well, last Sunday I decided to make one of my favorites - chili. This is typically an "all-day affair." I spend a lot of time on what goes into the pot, and then I make sure I cook it for several hours. Let's just say my mouth is watering while I'm waiting for this to "cook to perfection."

Throughout the week, I've been eating on this. Whether it was a lunch or a dinner, I've thoroughly enjoyed it. Of course, I like to top it off with cheese, onions, and sometimes even a dab of sour cream.

Now, why am I writing about this topic on a running blog? To warn you from making the same foolish mistake I made!

Thursday and Friday were two unusual days for me. According to my schedule, I'm supposed to run on Thursday and take Friday off. However, due to tickets I had to a Baylor basketball game, I needed to turn Friday into a "Saturday."

On Thursday night, I ran 3 miles on the treadmill, 1.5 miles on the Elliptical, and walked a half mile. No problems...

On Friday, I worked from home with plans to head to the gym afterwards. Around lunchtime I noticed the chili. Hmm... "looks good," I thought to myself. Well friends, 4 hours later I'm on the treadmill struggling to run my 3 miles... fighting the world's worst heartburn!

Believe me, it was incredibly difficult! Not only was I having to deal with the normal aches and pains, but also this fire in my belly that was a raging inferno! Right then I vowed, "Lord, if you'll get me through these 3 miles, I PROMISE to make better decisions on what I eat prior to a workout!"

And I can assure you... I intend to keep that promise!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Two Weeks Down... No Regrets!

I have now surpassed the 2-week mark and heading into my 3rd. I've always heard that once you do something for 3 weeks, it becomes a habit. I think this whole thing became habitual after the first week!

Tonight, I headed to the gym. It might not surprise some of you, but I noticed it wasn't as busy as the previous Tuesday. Hmm...

I had to run 3 miles according to my schedule. I first hit the Crossramp for 1 mile (140 calories for those that are interested), then made my way to the treadmill. I completed my 3 miles and walked a half mile (570 calories on that machine).

Instead of working out with weights, or jumping on the Elliptical machine, I decided to give myself a break. I've done quite a bit in these past 2 weeks, and maybe I need to start watching for potential problems... like injuries.

So I headed home... feeling great and thinking about the workout. Wow... running 3 miles has become "normal" to me. Sure, there's still the effort and difficulty, but I know it's manageable and attainable. Just over 2 weeks ago, yours truly was sitting in his big fat chair on his big fat rump watching TV and eating/drinking anything and everything.

Today, it's a much different story! I've worked hard, and the results are coming through!

I've been asked on a few occasions, "how much have you run?" Here's my current tally on everything:

Miles Run: 28
Miles Walked: 10
Miles Elliptical: 12
Miles Crossramp: 7 (just discovered this machine recently!)
Average Calories burned per workout: 700-800
Total weight loss: 5 lbs.

So again, it's not just running that I'm doing at the gym. I'm really trying to work other muscle groups... and that's why I have also included weights to my workout.

Thanks again for the encouragement and inquiries, too. I really appreciate the added accountability!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lots of Cross Training...

One of my goals throughout my training routine is to "cross train." Some people may define this as participating in other sports, such as biking, swimming, racquetball, etc. However, for my definition, I'll just say "doing other things besides running."

When I go to the gym, I like to mix things up. I believe this will help me become a better runner in the long run. Particularly, when it comes to that time late in the race where I'm "hitting the wall."

It struck me today - 2 weeks. Yep, I've been a "gym rat" for the past 2 weeks. How are things going? Well, so far... so good. Remember, "I'm Feelin' Fine in 09!"

OK, seriously, I can tell that it's beginning to make a difference. From having difficulty running half a mile in the beginning, I am now a 3-mile runner. My goal for next Sunday is to run 4 miles.

My arms are feeling a bit tighter, too. The weightlifting has assisted that, as well as the added soreness. Ha! And my clothes? Yes... they are starting to fit a little better. WHOO HOO!!!

I bring all of this up because I believe a lot of this is due to my cross training. I'm not just running... pounding out the miles and then leaving the gym. I have "training" to do when I go to the gym... and it's a great "exhaustive" feeling when I leave. The past two days, I've spent about 2 hours each session there.

Yesterday, I went to the gym and started out going 30 minutes on the Crossramp (see picture). Have you ever been on one of those? It's like a StairMaster and an Elliptical machine combined into one. It has a program that will work all types of muscles from your butt to your calves... and let me tell you, it is a killer! I'm drenched in sweat - burning about 300 calories during that time. I'd love to go longer, but I know I have other muscles to work.

So after that, I went downstairs and worked out on several machines. Yesterday I worked my arms and chest. After about 25 minutes, I headed back upstairs and ran my 2 miles for that day. Lots of calories burned... great workout!

Today was a bit different. I woke up sore, walking around my house like an old man. But, by the time I was ready to head to the gym, I was a bit more limber. I started out biking for 1 mile because I wanted to warmup first, then headed over to the treadmill. After running 3 miles and walking a half mile, I decided to hit the elliptical.

Well, the elliptical machines I typically use were all occupied. I found this new one in a different section and decided to give it a run. I only wanted to do 1 mile... just to loosen up from the miles of running I had just completed. Well, this one was something else. It would bark out orders (written) on the screen to make you keep up. However, that wasn't the worst. Three-quarters of a mile into it, a message came on that the machine was about to stop and that I would be going in reverse. Huh???

Yep... and that's exactly what it did. So for the next two-tenths of a mile, I'm pedaling backwards. Immediately my heart beat went up and the sweat start gushing from my head. Holy cow it was difficult... and amazing at the same time! I loved it!

I then went down and found more machines to work on, then headed back upstairs to finish on that Crossramp (1 mile).

So tonight, I sit here feeling great... as well as sore, several aches, and a few difficulties with my knee. But I'm doing it... 2 weeks and I'm STILL doing it. I enjoy the running, but I totally feel the cross training is going to help me in ways I may never appreciate.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Tuesday's Gone...

Have you ever heard of the song, "Tuesday's Gone," by Lynyrd Skynyrd? If you don't know what the song is about, it's centered on a guy who boards a train and leaves his girl, named "Tuesday," at home... for good.

I've had it on my iPod for quite some time. To me, it's a good song to run with. It's long... it's steady... and it makes the time go by quickly when your brain is starting to lose focus.

Yesterday I headed to the gym. I had to run 3 miles. As you remember, two days earlier (Tuesday), I had a terrible run. I struggled the first mile and had to stop 3/4 into it... and the same when I attempted mile 2. So knowing that bit of information, and experiencing it firsthand, wasn't very motivating to me as I feared what was coming up.

To make matters worse, I was approached by a Trainer while working out with the weights. While he assured me he didn't want to sign me up for anything (yeah, right!), he did ask if he could work out with me sometime. This guy talked a mile-a-minute and threw out so many words related to kinesiology that I thought he might be on crack. It was like he had downed a 6-pack of Red Bull! My brain was in such a fog that I agreed to this crazy proposal of his... maybe just to shut him up. For those that know me, this was incredibly uncharacteristic. We even set a time and date. Sheesh!

Well after going through the bad run, and being a little flustered by Commander McSpaz, I left the gym to wallow in my own frustration. As you read below, I was bound and determined to right the wrongs of my evening.

So yesterday I made a big point to hydrate throughout the day. I also stretched a lot prior to the run, and ate an energy bar before heading to the gym. The results? A good 3 mile run!!!

While I was heading into my 3rd mile, I was feeling really good. Then the song changed... and yep, you guessed it: "Tuesday's Gone." It really was gone! Tuesday was a bad day for me. But this was Thursday, and Thursday is a NEW day for me!

I wanted to share that with you. No matter what obstacles we face, there is always a new day on the horizon. The sun will rise tomorrow... and when it does, we have another day to shoot for our goals and accomplish our objectives.

Oh, and another thing about the song, is these lyrics:

"And I don't know, where I'm going
I just want to be left alone"

That day I also made a little call to Sergeant McNutty and told him I wouldn't be working out with him because I like my routine... and I just like to work out by myself. So leave me the Freak alone!!!

Tuesday's definitely gone...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Two for Tuesday...

Today's schedule called for me to run 2 miles... and brother, let me tell you, it was a very difficult evening.

This was my first time to head to the gym in the evening. I had been dreading it due to the expected crowds. Everyone is like me, I guess... setting goals to lose weight or get fit or, simply, to just feel better.

Well, as I predicted, almost everyone in my little town was at the LA Fitness tonight! I was fortunate to find an open treadmill, so I was off to the "races."

After walking a half mile, I bumped up the speed and was ready to knock off the 2 miles. Heck, I ran 3 on Sunday... so this wouldn't be a big deal, right??? WRONG!!!

Half a mile into it, I realized I was really struggling. My legs were aching and my calves were burning. A quarter of a mile later, I had to stop and stretch. The good thing about treadmills is they have a "pause" button that allows you to take a 45 second break.

I then started walking a bit and then decided to go for more running. Sure as anything... 3/4 of a mile I was dying again. This was getting ridiculous! I walked another half mile and then towards the end I was able to log another half mile.

Disappointed? Absolutely. Frustrated? You bet. Giving up? No freakin' way!!!

Experience has shown me that I will face bad days like this. We all do, right, in whatever we're experiencing and striving for in life. And when you physically train for something, "there will be days like this" where we'll face adversities.

The key, though, is how does one respond afterward? For me, I need to figure out what caused the "bad day." Maybe I didn't hydrate enough today? Maybe I didn't stretch enough? Or maybe I need to eat an energy bar 30 minutes prior to going to the gym? Of course as you probably know, it's "all of the above."

I don't work out tomorrow, but I'll be back in the gym on Thursday shooting for 3. I'll report back and let you know if there was any improvement... and better planning!

Oh, one more thing: Today was my "weigh in" and I have lost 2 lbs. in the past week. So, another reason for "Two for Tuesday."

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Miles and Miles and Miles to go...

One week ago I was sitting on my couch contemplating the upcoming week. You see, I had another week off from work and the world was my oyster. What on earth would I do with the extra time on my hands?

I could lay around all week on the couch watching movies. Or I could go to the theater and watch the latest and greatest flicks.

I knew that the upcoming year would be filled with my training regimen. I wanted a different "year" than the previous one. Heck, I'll bet most people were saying that as the year came to a close.

That's when it hit me - why put off the training until January 1? Why not get a jump on the year with some added aerobic conditioning?

So last Monday, it started. I hadn't been to the gym in (ahem!) a long time. OK... we're all friends here, so I can be honest: Last September. Sigh...

How in the world would my body react to this abrupt change? And what would I need to do differently this time around?

Walking into the gym, I knew a few things. First, I needed to take it slow. I've heard (and read) many stories where people start off their training way too fast and get hit with injuries and other setbacks.

I also knew that I wanted to not just be a runner - I wanted to be physically fit. To accomplish that, I'd have to employ weight lifting into my routine. And that, I knew, would add more soreness to the soreness I was already expecting... Yikes!

So each day last week, with the exception of New Year's Day, I made my way to the gym. I ran/walked on the treadmill, worked out with weights, did numerous miles on the elliptical machine, and discovered some new-fangled machine called a "cross ramp."

I bring all of that up because today was a HUGE day for me. You see, on Sundays you're supposed to run your longest distance for the week. I hadn't run over 1 mile consistently... but I knew that I had worked my tail off all week long and was interested to see what I could do.

Now I'm not a fast runner right now... in fact, I'm pretty dang slow. But after I finished the first mile, I knew the athlete in me was waking up. At mile 1.5, I was thinking that I can definitely get 2 miles today. Well, guess what? I not only surpassed that goal, I reached 3!

And just think - had I not decided last Sunday to start this training on Monday, then today I wouldn't be feeling the joy of accomplishing a small but necessary goal in my quest to run a marathon this year!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Runners Live Longer, Healthier Lives...

So on Wednesday, I'm at the gym... sweating like a pig and trying my best to control my breathing. This was "Day 3" in my journey, and I was feeling every bit my age... and the neglect I've given my body over the past year.

As most of you know, there are TVs that hang from the ceiling right in front of the treadmills, elliptical machines, stair masters, etc. You can listen to them if you tune into the right FM frequency. However, I just listen to my iPod and typically watch the screen in front of me - usually sports.

Well, low and behold, the TV that was tuned to CNN was running a report regarding runners. For the next several minutes, I "read" the close captioning to try and determine what they were discussing.

A recent study from Stanford University said that runners live longer, healthier lives. Hmm... it definitely grabbed my attention... and interest!

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who is CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent, discussed this story and how the study was carried out over two decades. The researchers found out numerous benefits, and I think if some of you are interested in running you might want to take a gander at the link I'll provide below.

But if you're NOT a runner, that's OK. I think if we can all find our "exercise niche," we'll all live healthier lives.

Here is the Link to the story.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

"Feelin' Fine in '09"...

Happy New Year!!!

One of my running partners gave me the inspiration for the "Feelin' Fine in '09" title. To me, that just says SO much about the hope for the new year!

Knowing what lies ahead, it challenges me to have a good attitude throughout the training regimen and all of the rigors my body (and mind!) will face this year.

You see, half the battle (if not more) is mental when you set out to train for specific goals. And when that goal is to run in a race, you have to have the proper mindset.

I was reminded yesterday by my friend Brent (who lives in Austin) that I allowed a bit of grumpiness towards running to come through when I trained in 2007. Perception is everything, isn't it? You see, I enjoy running... but if I don't express that consistently, specifically to a friend who I don't see often yet follows my blog, then I can see how sometimes negativity comes through the message.

Training for something like this is very hard. However, attitude is everything. And if I want to encourage others to shoot for their goals, then I myself should take on a good attitude... one that will also help me when I have to push my way past the difficult trials.

But will I neglect to be "real" in all of this? Absolutely not. I want future runners (or those that are going along for the ride with me in this) to know what I'm experiencing.

As you know, I started this journey on Monday. For the past three days, I have ventured out to the gym. So far, I've run/walked on the treadmill almost 8 miles and added an additional 4 miles on the elliptical machine. I've also added weight lifting to my training.

Want to know how I "really" feel right now? SORE! Very, very SORE!

But, it's a good feeling. I'm doing something and shooting to accomplish goals and aspirations this year. Changing from being a sedentary slug to a man in motion will be rough at the beginning. That's expected. However, I know with continued effort these muscles won't hurt as much... and only with a good attitude will I be able to continue to press through these initial aches.

So yes, I'm looking forward to continually improving and of course, "feelin' fine in '09!"