I don't know about you, but I, for one, was extremely happy to see the clock strike midnight and 2010 arrive!
I think I actually uttered the words, "Good riddance!!!"
If you've been following my blog for the past year, you've definitely seen "transformation" in its fullest form.
Last year at this time, I set several goals: Live a healthier life by making better choices, drop 50 pounds, and run at least two Half Marathons.
2009 started out great for me. I was a focused machine! I was religious in my commitment to the process - I walked, I ran, I went to the gym, I ate healthier, I drank less beer but increased my juice and green tea intake, I was stronger and faster, and I had more energy. Overall, the first 4 months were probably my healthiest in years!
Then it all came to a screeching halt on April 26. I still remember the fall... and the "electrical shock" that went through my body when my knee hit that curb. I didn't understand why I couldn't stand up... bend my leg... and why my knee had a big "pit" in it. I remember the people rushing to my aid, Chandra's "shocked" face, and the feeling of embarrassment. And I think I'll always remember hearing the start of the race and me being unable to complete what I started...
The next 8 months were incredible. When I was in that ambulance on the way to the ER in Oklahoma City, I thought, "I wonder what my year is going to be like now?"
Well, it was challenging. That's probably my best description of my year. I had to re-learn, adapt, focus, persist, endure, accept, press on, push myself, and "roll on" with just about everything that I faced.
A lot of people remarked that I appeared to have a positive attitude. Yeah... maybe. But there were several low points. I would get frustrated. It was difficult doing the things we take for granted. I showered sitting down with a trash bag on my leg. I dressed myself while sitting on the floor. My carpet had wheel marks from my walker. I guess at times it just got a little too much for me, so I broke down... several times.
But, I kept progressing... from walker to crutches to just a brace to no brace. I've worked hard with exercises in my house to strengthen the muscles. And I walk... a lot. I have to because that's what keeps me going. I've been told my limp isn't as noticeable anymore... just when I go up or down stairs.
It still amazes me when I look back over the year. I had 2 surgeries on the same knee in 6 months. I surely didn't think that was in my future when I began 2009!
But overall, which I think I've said this a lot, it was the love and support from my family and friends that helped me get through all of this. "Mr. Independent" had to relax and learn dependence on others... And I was blessed to receive compassion, encouragement, and selflessness in its truest form from everyone involved.
So here we are... "A New Begin in 2010"... that's the phrase my cousin Lori came up with! And you know what? It's true... for all of us. 2010 has so many new possibilities... 2009 is gone. It's history. 2010 is here for us to accomplish our hopes, dreams, goals, and aspirations.
Mine are similar to last year... with the exception of running two Half Marathons. Right now, my leg is like a noodle. I tried running the other day from my sidewalk to my mailbox... and halfway there the leg collapsed. So, I still have a long way to go.
This year, it's simple: Healthier choices again. Strengthen the leg. Walk without a limp. Get up and down stairs without a problem. Lose weight. Stay active.
But also, be a better son, brother, uncle, friend, coworker, employee, and overall person. Show people the compassion and selflessness that I received last year. And encourage others... no matter what, we all go through our own struggles... and we all need encouragement.
So there you go... let's all have a great 2010! Set your own personal goals, and let us all be a little more improved this time in 2011!